Attempt to make a Magic Mirror Module for Toulouse transportation system. I'm new to Git, MMM, Javascript/Node, so this also a Sandbox for me.
The module depends exclusively on the TISSEO web API and Tisseo/Toulouse Open Data.
Documentation was found here (Open Data link)
You'll need to ask them for an API key to use this module here : [email protected]
. There might be some restrictions if you overuse it.
I'm thinking about makin the displays more minimalistic, but for now, I need to focus on Javascript/DOM syntax and mechanics.
Heavily inspired from da4throux's project
No license defined yet, this should probably inherit da4throux's project license. working on it for now.
However, due to the API being slightly different, many adaptation were made.
First, make sure you have MagicMirror installed. Go into the MagicMirror Folder.
Clone repository into
inside your MagicMirror ./modules/ git clone
npm install
foldercd ./MMM-Toulouse-Transports/ && npm install
You can do steps 1 and 2 in one single command:
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/ && git clone && cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-Toulouse-Transports/ && npm install
Now you can add the module to the MagicMirror config. See following paragraph.
Add the MMM-Toulouse-Transports config parameters to the Magic Mirror config file. Example:
module: "MMM-Toulouse-Transports",
position: "top_right",
header: "Horaires de passage",
debug: true, // if you have issues and want to help me fix them, yo should put this to true
updateInterval: 60000, // refresh frequency in ms
stopSchedules: [
lineNumber: 19, // bus line number (the one displayed on bus stops, maps and buses ..). Can be a string or a number (e.g.: L1,L2 ... L8, 13,54 ...)
stopCode: 1991, // this is an exact stop code of Tisseo. You can find it on your favorite bus stop sign. or Get it on Tisseo travels webapp
maxEntries: 2 // if you want the 2 next buses schedules
lineNumber: "L8",
stopCode: 6601,
maxEntries: 2
lineNumber: 23,
stopCode: 431,
maxEntries: 2
lineNumber: 14,
stopCode: 2010,
maxEntries: 2