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Unifying Job Platforms with Personalized Recommendations

C23-VR01 - Braincore x Kerjago

Greetings! We are a team of six people from all over Indonesia who are participating in the Bangkit Academy program. This marks our final project, developed in collaboration with Braincore and Kerjago.

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some image

Job vacancy platform that integrates multiple platforms into a single compact and streamlined experience, enhanced with a recommendation feature, because we understand the difficulties people face when searching for job vacancies on various websites. This integration aims to increase efficiency and, as a result, accelerate the reduction of unemployment.

Try Now!
{link to the web}

Our Teams

Our team consists of two learning paths, namely machine learning and cloud computing, each with specific responsibilities. The Machine Learning team primarily handles data scraping, develops a recommendation engine, and assists in deploying the ML API, while the Cloud Computing team is responsible for creating the platform's frontend and backend, as well as handling API and deployment on the Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud Computing

Bangkit ID Name Social Media
C156BSY3914 Ismail Abdurrahim LinkedIn Instagram
C119BSY4176 Revansa Helsa Kuswana LinkedIn Instagram

Machine Learning

Bangkit ID Name Social Media
M186BSY0132 Aldrian Aliv LinkedIn Instagram
M237BSY0803 Fakhrie Nabil Putera Setiawan LinkedIn Instagram
M237BSX0840 Tarisha Andhera LinkedIn Instagram
M119BSY1095 Yustaf Kusuma Abi Al Yasid LinkedIn Instagram


Cloud Computing

Machine Learning

  1. Web Scraping
  2. Model Trainer (Transfer Learning)
  3. Machine Learning API


  1. UI UX

Lets keep the enthusiasm!
C23-VR01 Teams.

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