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PieterHering edited this page Mar 30, 2021 · 2 revisions


The specification's "short name", which is the name used in Geonovum/Logius URLs such as "" (and several other generated URLs).

Logius specific shortName

The specification's publish shortName1, which is used to publish the specification on

pubDomain shortName Publish Domain
api oauth NL GOV Assurance profile for OAuth 2.0
api adr API Design Rules
dk arch Architectuur
dk ebms ebMS2
dk wus WUS
dk gb Grote Berichten
dk restapi REST API
dk beveilig Beveiligingsstandaarden en -Voorschriften
dk actueel Overzicht Actuele Documentatie en voorschriften
dk idauth Identificatie en Authenticatie
dk beheer Beheermodel en Releasebeleid
dk bpebms Best Practices ebMS2
dk bpwus Best Practices WUS
dk bpgb Best Practices Grote Berichten
dk gbachtcert Gebruik en Achtergronden Certificaten
dk watisdk Wat is Digikoppeling?
dk oin OIN Stelsel


var respecConfig = {
  pubDomain: "dk",
  shortName: "ebms",

Based on the example settings Respec will generate the following links in the header:

Latest published version:
    // https://{Organisation Publishing Server URL}/{pubDomain}/{shortName}/