Releases: Logitech/labs_mrkeyboard_sdk
Version 1.4
This releases contains a Unity SDK package, a demo VR browsing application, and an overlay, all of which can be downloaded here. Also check out the Unity sample app that makes simple usage of the SDK.
These can be downloaded above, or by simply cloning this repo.
- Enhances robustness to tracking loss (white hands overlay)
- Adds more relevant logging to all apps, which can be found in
- Improves desk height adjustment in Browsing demo
- Adds a dark hands colour in Browsing demo, for the light-coloured keyboard
Make sure to let us know if you encounter any hiccup using GitHub's issue tracking system!
Version 1.3
This releases contains a Unity SDK package, a demo VR browsing application, and an overlay, all of which can be downloaded below. Also check out the Unity sample app that makes simple usage of the SDK.
All these can be downloaded below, or by simply cloning this repo.
- Fixes a bug where one could not use the flashlight feature and the keyboard at the same time.
- Fixes a bug in the browsing demo app, where sometimes the desk would be positioned on top of the keyboard.
Make sure to let us know if you encounter any hiccup using GitHub's issue tracking system!
Version 1.2
This releases contains a Unity SDK package, a demo VR browsing application, and an overlay, all of which can be downloaded below. Also check out the Unity sample app that makes simple usage of the SDK.
All these can be downloaded below, or simply by cloning this repo.
Includes various minor bugfixes and tidies up some unused files left behind in the development process.
Make sure to let us know if you encounter any hiccup using GitHub's issue tracking system!