This Elixir app watches a file and sends new lines to Logflare via the API.
To install stand alone:
- Install Erlang
- Install Elixir
git clone
mix deps.get
Configure it.
mix release
_build/dev/rel/logflare_agent/bin/logflare_agent start
Optionally to start the agent at bootup:
crontab -e
Add this line to your crontab and save:
@reboot /FULL_PATH_TO_INSTALL/_build/dev/rel/logflare_agent/bin/logflare_agent start
Change the file to watch and the source key in ./config/config.exs
config :logflare_agent,
sources: [
path: "/home/logflare/app_release/logflare/var/log/erlang.log.1",
source: "SOURCE_ID"
path: "/home/logflare/app_release/logflare/var/log/erlang.log.2",
source: "SOURCE_ID"
path: "/home/logflare/app_release/logflare/var/log/erlang.log.3",
source: "SOURCE_ID"
path: "/home/logflare/app_release/logflare/var/log/erlang.log.4",
source: "SOURCE_ID"
path: "/home/logflare/app_release/logflare/var/log/erlang.log.5",
source: "SOURCE_ID"
url: "",
api_key: "YOUR_API_KEY"
Your source
s can be different with each file. This example is useful when watching Erlang log files.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding logflare_agent
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:logflare_agent, "~> 0.6.2"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at