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Logpass node

Implementation of logpass blockchain node

Local development

Every command listed below should be run from repository root.

Generate private key with openssl command:

openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -outform PEM -out key.pem

Prepare custom config.ini file for local development:

cp config.ini.example config.ini

Now, adjust all values in config.ini (especially threads) according to your preferences.

Visual Studio

To build logpass node with Visual Studio, you need to:

  1. Get and install Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with C++ development option

  2. Get, install and integrate vcpkg

  3. Copy directories from project vcpkg directory to your vcpkg/ports

  4. Install vcpkg dependencies:

    On Linux:

    vcpkg install \
      boost-algorithm \
      boost-asio \
      boost-bimap \
      boost-endian \
      boost-exception \
      boost-filesystem \
      boost-log \
      boost-program-options \
      boost-stacktrace \
      boost-system \
      boost-test \
      cppcodec \
      iroha-ed25519 \
      nlohmann-json \
      openssl \
      rocksdb \
      usockets \

    On Windows:

    vcpkg install ^
      boost-algorithm ^
      boost-asio ^
      boost-bimap ^
      boost-endian ^
      boost-exception ^
      boost-filesystem ^
      boost-log ^
      boost-program-options ^
      boost-stacktrace ^
      boost-system ^
      boost-test ^
      cppcodec ^
      iroha-ed25519 ^
      nlohmann-json ^
      openssl ^
      rocksdb ^
      usockets ^
  5. Open node.sln, select configuration and press build

docker and docker-compose

BuildKit is required to build node image . To enable BuildKit builds for docker and docker-compose let's export (or even better add it to your .bashrc) following environment variables:


When BuildKit is setup, let's move to create a custom docker-compose.override.yml file:

cp \
  .devops/docker/docker-compose.override.yml.example \

To build Dockerfile that won't mess up with your local file permissions you need to find your current user id - UID, by running following command:

echo $UID

Replace all repetitions of !!UID!! in docker-compose.override.yml with above found value.

Finally setup global docker's network:

curl \ \
| bash

This network is used to connect all LogPass services together when developing locally.

Using docker-compose

To build all services simply run:

docker-compose build

To run all services in the background:

docker-compose up --detach

To run node tests:

docker-compose run --rm node ./build/Debug/node_tests


Logpass blockchain node implementation






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