I recently learned about Advent of Code and decided that I would join in, even if a little late! I will be posting all of my solutions (hopefully 2 stars!) for each day once the leaderboards are filled. I am also using this as an opportunity to learn Python as up until this point I've been primarily comfortable progamming in JavaScript and C/C++
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11:
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
Day 15:
Day 16:
Day 17:
Day 18:
Day 19:
Day 20:
Day 21:
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25: