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  • Detects CPU manufacturer and installs microcode package

Arch Installation Scripts

Personal scripts for bootstrapping an Arch Linux system with i3.

  • Installs Arch Linux per the Installation Guide
  • Configures systemd-boot (assumes system supports EFI)
  • Creates a user and adds it to common groups, plus any groups defined in chroot/packages/groups
  • Installs aurutils and configures a local pacman repository
  • Optionally, installs packages listed in chroot/packages
  • Optionally, enables services listed in chroot/services
  • Optionally, installs the long-term support kernel
  • Detects a VirtualBox environment, installs the guest libraries and enables vboxservice.service
  • Optionally, installs my dotfiles (e.g. .Xresources, i3 config, bash aliases) and system-specific configuration files (e.g. mouse/trackpad settings, pacman hooks)
  • Optionally, performs the installation over wireless (assumes WPA)


  1. Boot with Arch ISO:

  2. Prepare the partitions (Cheat sheet)

  3. Make sure the internet is available. ip link --> iwctl station <WLAN> connect <network SSID>

  4. Download and extract the project:

    $ curl -L | tar -xz --strip-component=1
  5. Edit the variables in .config

    Variable Description Required
    BOOT_PART Device name of boot partition, mounted at /boot
    ROOT_PART Device name of root partition, mounted at /
    SWAP_PART Device name of swap partition, optional
    HOME_PART Device name of /home partition, optional
    USERNAME The installer will create a user with this username. This user will be added to groups defined by USER_GROUPS, and the groups listed in chroot/packages/groups that are provided by installed packages
    PASS Password for the user created by the installer
    USER_GROUPS Default: wheel,optical,audio,video,lp
    ROOT_PASS Root password
    HOSTNAME Computer's hostname, also used to install machine-specific system configs

    With INSTALL_DOTFILES=1, accepted values are radomir, boris (ThinkPad X1 Carbons), or mikhail (a desktop PC with dual monitors). If HOSTNAME matches none of these, a generic system config base package and mikhail's dotfiles will be installed. If installing in VirtualBox, a branch of the dotfiles specific to VirtualBox will be installed.

    With 1, install the packages in chroot/packages/arch, import GPG keys from chroot/packages/gpg-keys then chroot/packages/aur, enable the services in chroot/services/system and chroot/services/user, and add the USERNAME user to the groups in chroot/packages/groups. Edit these files and opt out of installing the dotfiles to install an alternative Desktop Environment.

    With 1, install system configs and dotfiles. See HOSTNAME below. Set to 0 to disable. Dotfiles will not be installed with INSTALL_PACKAGES=0.

    With 1, enable iptables.service and install a default rule to only allow inbound on port 22

    With 1, install the long-term support kernel and make its bootloader entry the default
    TIMEZONE Default: US/Eastern
    COUNTRY Default: United States

    Used with reflector to generate pacman mirror list
    PAUSE_BETWEEN_STEPS For debugging, set to 1 to pause and wait for keyboard input between steps
    CHROOT_SCRIPT_DIR Default: /usr/local/lib/bootstrap

    Directory where the install scripts are copied during chroot step, deleted on successful installation
  6. Run the install script:

    $ ./
  7. System will reboot upon successful installation. You should be greeted with an LXDM login screen. Select i3 under Desktop in the bottom left corner before logging in for the first time.

Wait, not done yet

  • Networking requires setup: NetworkManager service should be running, but network connectivity will not work without configuration. Use ip link to list interfaces and nm-connection-editor to configure.

  • If screen resolution is wrong, use arandr to change it. Export an xrandr command from arandr. If dotfiles were installed, update $HOME/dotfiles/bin/xrandr.local with the new command. If not, put it in the i3 config as an exec_always command.

  • If dotfiles were not installed, there is no Polybar and the default i3bar display is broken.

    • Install i3status then Win+Shift+R to fix the i3bar display, or
    • Launch Polybar with its default config with polybar -c /usr/share/doc/polybar/examples/config.ini example > /dev/null 2>&1 &

If dotfiles were installed...

  • If Polybar doesn't appear, run polybar.local to inspect errors. A common culprit is the monitor value in the bar definitions in $HOME/dotfiles/.config/polybar/config.ini. Run polybar -m to find active display names. The variables read by the Polybar config are defined in $HOME/dotfiles/.profile.

  • If network status is missing from Polybar, update the eth and wlan modules in $HOME/dotfiles/.config/polybar/config.ini with the correct interface names. This can be done with POLYBAR_ETH_INTERFACE and POLYBAR_WLAN_INTERFACE environment variables in .xprofile.

  • If using a Mac, i3 keyboard controls probably won't work as configured, which means you can't do anything in i3. You must drop to a shell (Fn+Ctrl+Opt+F2?) to do anything further. Edit $HOME/.config/i3/config, adding the line bindsym Shift+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal to temporarily enable Shift+Enter to open a terminal in i3, reboot, and...

    • Use i3-config-wizard to generate a new config, then replace the key bindings in the existing config with the newly generated ones, or
    • Bind some other key to Mod4:
      • sudo pacman -Syu xorg-xmodmap to install xmodmap
      • Use xev to capture key input, and configure xmodmap to map the Command or some other key to Mod4


The installer will detect a VirtualBox environment and install the guest libraries. If dotfiles are being installed, they will be installed from a dedicated virtualbox branch with some small tweaks.


Originally forked from leomao/arch-bootstrap


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