Deconstructing is unpacking types into single pieces; for instance, a tuple into its items or a class into its properties.
Let's learn more about this process by looking at the following code examples.
// declare a tuple
var book = ("C-Sharp Basics", "Jon Doe", 1.99);
// now we can destruct the tuples into individual items
var (title, author, price) = book;
// use them like variables
Console.WriteLine($"Title: {title}");
Console.WriteLine($"Author: {author}");
Console.WriteLine($"Price: {price}");
// declare a dictionary object
var books = new Dictionary<string, string>{
{"Book One", "Author One"},
{"Book Two", "Author Two"},
// unpack each item into a key/value pair (title/author pair) and loop through
foreach((string k, string v) in books)
Console.WriteLine($"\"{k}\" written by {v}");
We need to implement the Deconstruct
method. We can have multiple implementation of this method by overloading.
// declare a class with Deconstruct method(s)
class MyBook
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Title {get; set;}
public string Author {get; set;}
public MyBook(int id, string title, string author)
Id = id;
Title = title;
Author = author;
// must have the "out" modifier with each param
public void Deconstruct(out int id, out string title, out string author)
id = Id;
title = Title;
author = Author;
// must have the "out" modifier with each param
public void Deconstruct(out string title, out string author)
title = Title;
author = Author;
Let's use the MyBook class
// instantiate the "MyBook" class
var mybook = new MyBook(1, "CSharp Bacis", "Jon Doe");
// deconstruct class properties into a collection of variables
var (myBookTitle, myBookAuthor) = mybook;
// use the variables as needed
Console.WriteLine($"\"{myBookTitle}\" by {myBookAuthor}");
// define a record called "Person" with the props
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);
// instantitate a Person record
var person = new Person("Jon", "Doe");
var (firstName, lastName) = person;
Console.WriteLine($"My name is {firstName} {lastName}");
// implemeted an extension method
public static void Deconstruct(this DateTimeOffset date, out int day, out int month, out int year) =>
(day, month, year) = (date.Day, date.Month, date.Year);
// now instantitate DateTimeOffset
var date = new DateTimeOffset(2022, 9, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
// deconstruct DateTimeOffset objcet
(int day, int month, int year) = date;
Console.WriteLine($"I wrote this example on: {month}/{day}/{year}");