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🔍 expo-pixel-perfect

Perfect pixel-art scaling for your Expo apps. No blur, no artifacts - just crisp, clean pixels.

Demo showing 16x16 pixel art scaled up with and without expo-pixel-perfect

✨ Features

  • Crisp nearest-neighbor scaling (no blurry pixels!)
  • Works with local and remote images
  • Native performance
  • Loading states with customizable components
  • Error handling with fallback options
  • Type-safe with full TypeScript support
  • Zero configuration needed

🛠️ Supported Platforms

Platform Supported
iOS ✅ New Architecture
Android ✅ New Architecture

Note: This module requires the New Architecture (Fabric) to be enabled in your Expo project. It will not work with the old architecture.

Web Platform: This module uses native implementations for pixel-perfect scaling and does not support web platforms. For web-specific pixel art needs, consider using CSS solutions or a web-specific library.

📦 Installation

npx expo install expo-pixel-perfect

🚀 Usage

Basic Usage

import ExpoPixelPerfectView from 'expo-pixel-perfect';

export default function Game() {
    return (

Advanced Usage

import ExpoPixelPerfectView from 'expo-pixel-perfect';

export default function Game() {
    return (
            // Source image
            // Scale to specific width
            scale={{ targetWidth: 64 }}
            // Custom loading component
            loadingComponent={<CustomLoader />}
            // Error handling
            fallback={<Text>Failed to load sprite</Text>}
            onError={(error) => console.error('Failed to load:', error)}
            // Load callback
            onLoad={() => console.log('Sprite loaded successfully')}
            // Custom default size
            defaultSize={{ width: 32, height: 32 }}
            // Standard React Native styles

🎯 Props

Required Props

Prop Type Description
source number | { uri: string } Local or remote image source

Optional Props

Prop Type Default Description
scale number | { targetWidth: number } | { targetHeight: number } 1 Scaling factor or target dimensions
style ViewStyle undefined Standard React Native view styles
loadingComponent ReactNode ActivityIndicator Component shown during loading
fallback ReactNode null Component shown on error
onError (error: Error) => void undefined Error callback
onLoad () => void undefined Success callback
defaultSize { width: number; height: number } { width: 16, height: 16 } Default dimensions if not detected

🎨 Tips

  • Start with small source images (8x8, 16x16, 32x32)
  • Use PNG format for transparency support
  • For dynamic scaling, use targetWidth/targetHeight instead of fixed scale
  • Provide fallback components for better user experience
  • Set appropriate defaultSize for your assets
  • Handle loading and error states for smoother UX
  • Use TypeScript for better type safety

🤔 Common Issues

Image appears blurry

Make sure you're using the correct scale factor. For a 16x16 image to display at 64x64, use either:

// or
scale={{ targetWidth: 64 }}

Image not loading

Check that your asset path is correct and the image exists. The onError callback can help debug:

onError={(error) => console.error('Loading failed:', error)}

Made for ⚔️ Pixel Odyssey by Lino Iten