Folder | Description |
IPInterface | A project with both event (EFTClientIP ) and async/await based (EFTClientIPAsync ) wrapper objects for the EFT-Client TCP/IP interface. |
IPInterface.SimpleDemoAsync | A basic sample app using the EFTClientIPAsync component |
IPInterface.SimpleDemo | A basic sample app using the EFTClientIP component |
IPInterface.TestPOS | A full featured sample app using the EFTClientIPAsync component |
- Clone this repository or grab the PCEFTPOS.EFTClient.IPInterface package from NuGet
- Decide which component to use.
is event based pattern andEFTClientIPAsync
uses the async/await pattern - Look at the
samples. There are also some simple examples listed below.
class EFTClientIPDemo
ManualResetEvent txnFired = new ManualResetEvent(false);
public void Run()
// Create new connection to EFT-Client
var eft = new EFTClientIP()
HostName = "",
HostPort = 2011,
UseSSL = false
// Hook up events
eft.OnReceipt += Eft_OnReceipt;
eft.OnTransaction += Eft_OnTransaction;
eft.OnTerminated += Eft_OnTerminated;
// Connect
if (!eft.Connect())
// Handle failed connection
Console.WriteLine("Connect failed");
// Build transaction request
var r = new EFTTransactionRequest()
// TxnType is required
TxnType = TransactionType.PurchaseCash,
// Set TxnRef to something unique
TxnRef = DateTime.Now.ToString("YYMMddHHmmsszzz"),
// Set AmtCash for cash out, and AmtPurchase for purchase/refund
AmtPurchase = 1.00M,
AmtCash = 0.00M,
// Set POS or pinpad printer
ReceiptPrintMode = ReceiptPrintModeType.POSPrinter,
// Set application. Used for gift card & 3rd party payment
Application = TerminalApplication.EFTPOS
// Send transaction
if (!eft.DoTransaction(r))
// Handle failed send
Console.WriteLine("Send failed");
private void Eft_OnTerminated(object sender, SocketEventArgs e)
// Handle socket close
Console.WriteLine($"Socket closed");
private void Eft_OnReceipt(object sender, EFTEventArgs<EFTReceiptResponse> e)
// Handle receipt
Console.WriteLine($"{e.Response.Type} receipt");
private void Eft_OnTransaction(object sender, EFTEventArgs<EFTTransactionResponse> e)
// Handle transaction event
var displayText = e.Response.Success ? "successful" : "unsuccessful";
Console.WriteLine($"Transaction was {displayText}");
class Program
static async void Main(string[] args)
(new EFTClientIPDemo()).Run();
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit");
class EFTClientIPDemoAsync
public async Task RunAsync()
// Create new connection to EFT-Client
var eft = new EFTClientIPAsync();
var connected = await eft.ConnectAsync("", 2011, false);
// Handle failed connection
Console.WriteLine("Connect failed");
// Build transaction request
var r = new EFTTransactionRequest()
// TxnType is required
TxnType = TransactionType.PurchaseCash,
// Set TxnRef to something unique
TxnRef = DateTime.Now.ToString("YYMMddHHmmsszzz"),
// Set AmtCash for cash out, and AmtPurchase for purchase/refund
AmtPurchase = 1.00M,
AmtCash = 0.00M,
// Set POS or pinpad printer
ReceiptPrintMode = ReceiptPrintModeType.POSPrinter,
// Set application. Used for gift card & 3rd party payment
Application = TerminalApplication.EFTPOS
// Send transaction
if (await eft.WriteRequestAsync(r) == false)
// Handle failed send
Console.WriteLine("Send failed");
// Wait for response
var waitingForResponse = true;
EFTResponse eftResponse = null;
var timeoutToken = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0)).Token; // 5 minute timeout
eftResponse = await eft.ReadResponseAsync(timeoutToken);
case EFTReceiptResponse eftReceiptResponse:
Console.WriteLine($"{eftReceiptResponse.Type} receipt");
case EFTTransactionResponse eftTransactionResponse:
var displayText = eftTransactionResponse.Success ? "successful" : "unsuccessful";
Console.WriteLine($"Transaction was {displayText}");
waitingForResponse = false;
case null:
Console.WriteLine("Error reading response");
Console.WriteLine("EFT-Client timeout waiting for response");
waitingForResponse = false;
Console.WriteLine("Socket closed");
waitingForResponse = false;
Console.WriteLine("Unhandled exception");
waitingForResponse = false;
while (waitingForResponse);
class Program
static async void Main(string[] args)
await (new EFTClientIPDemoAsync()).RunAsync();
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit");
- [STRY0228186] Removing length check from EFTQueryCardRespons, will parse response if it doesn't have PAD data
- [STRY0228186] Correctly parsing
by adding missingClearedFundsBalance
- This fixes an issue where PAD data was being omitted
- Add "Simulated Host" pinpad network type option.
- Add ability to open the client GUI main dialog.
- Adds handling for sending and recieving Monitoring ('|') messages
- Adds DataField property to EFTTransactionRequest, required for AuthPIN ('X') and EnhancedPIN ('K') Transaction Types
- Adds required special handling of AuthPIN ('X') and EnhancedPIN ('K') Transaction Types to DefaultMessageParser
- Similarly adds (provisional) handling of recieving PINRequest ('W') responses to DefaultMessageParser, which is recieved from client in response to Transaction Rquests of the above two transaction types.
- Implementing hardening changes suggested by Static Code Analysis
- Update IPInterface to compile against .NET 6
- Fixes for SonarCloud Static Code Analysis
- Added SSL Certificate checking for non-async EFT-Client Interface
- Fixing syntax for some XML comments
- Consolidating IPInterface version numbers
- 'StringExtension.StrLen' function now returns correct values when startIndex argument has a non-zero value
- 'IntegerExtension.PadLeft' no longer throws an exception if called on a negative
- 'DecimalExtension.PadLeft' no longer throws an exception if called on a negative
- 'AccountTypeExtension.FromString' now returns AccountType.Default if input string is null instead of throwing exception
- 'EFTClientIPAsync.FromString' now now returns the result returned to it by it's enclosed client stream instead of just always returning true unless there is an exception
- 'DirectEncoding.GetBytes' functions now correctly handle the charCount argument and raise more helpful exceptions
- Created static class 'EFTRequestCommandCode' which has publicly accessible constants for EFTRequest command codes
- Removed (many of but not all) of the "magic strings" used by DefaultMessageParser when generating EFTRequests
- Updated property names on ControlPanelRequest and EFTControlPanelRequest to be in line with spec and other EFTRequests. Old property names have been marked obsolete, but are still supported.
- EFTClientIPAsync now correctly disposes it's wrapped ITCPSocketAsync when it replaces it with a new connection and when it itself is disposed
- Aligning
enum list with spec
- Fixing Null reference exception when receiving data using EFTClientIP and no subscribed DialogUIHandler
- Adding StanVb field to resolve ambiguity in VB.Net due to case-insensitivity
- Fixed CancellationTokenSource memory leak
- Added new IPnterface calls for CloudPairing Request/Response and CloudTokenLogon Request/Response
- Updated TestPOS to support new Cloud pairing and cloud token request/response
- Deleted a hard-coded TxnRef in TestPOS GetLast and ReprintReceipt command
- Fixed bug in MessageParser that padded the TxnRef rather than leaving it blank, so the EFTClient didn't like it
- Deleted a hard-coded TxnRef in TestPOS GetLast and ReprintReceipt command
- Fixed bug in MessageParser that padded the TxnRef rather than leaving it blank, so the EFTClient didn't like it
- Added new ReceiptAutoPrint modes for EFTRequests
- Updated MessageParser to use non-deprecated properties
- Updated TestPOS ClientViewModel to do the same
- Fixed for EFTTransactionResponse and typo
- Changes to fields ReceiptAutoPrint, CutReceipt, AccountType and DateSettlement
- Added support for EFTGetLastTransactionRequest by TxnRef
- Updated PadField to support IList
- Added IDialogUIHandler for easier handling of POS custom dialogs.
- Updated MessageParser to allow for custom parsing.
- Added support for .NET Standard 2.0
- Added support for basket data API
- Updated some property names to bring EFTClientIP more inline with the existing ActiveX interface. Old property names have been marked obsolete, but are still supported.
- Changed internal namespaces from
etc) toPCEFTPOS.EFTClient.IPInterface
. This was causing issues when combining the EFTClientIP Nuget package with the actual PCEFTPOS lib. EFTClientIP needs to remain totally self-contained.
- Updated nuspec for v1.3.2.0 release.
- Changed namespace from
for new package - Created signed NuGet package
- Added CloudLogon event to EFTClientIP
- Fixed a bug that would cause the component to hang if an unknown message was received
- Improved handling of messages received across multiple IP packets
- Added support for Pay at Table
- Initial release