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ltfsck - Recover and rollback utility for LTFS formatted tape


ltfsck  [  -g generation ]  [ -r ]  [ -n ]  [ -f ]  [ -z ]  [ -l ]  [ -m ]  [ -v strategy ]  [ -j ]  [ -k ]  [
-q ]  [ -t ]  [ -V ]  [ -h ]  [ -p ]  device_name

On Linux, device_name is like '/dev/IBMtape0', on OSX, device_name is like '0'(default: )


ltfsck is a program to recover an inconsistent LTFS formatted medium and roll back utility of the IBM Spectrum


These  programs  follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes ('-'). A
summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

-g, --generation=generation
       Specify the generation to roll back

-r, --rollback
       Roll back to the point specified by -g

-n, --no-rollback
       Do not roll back. Verify the point specified by -g (default)

-f, --full-recovery
       Recover extra data blocks into directory _ltfs_lostandfound

-z, --deep-recovery
       Recover EOD missing cartridge.  Some blocks might be erased, but recover to final unmount point with an
       index version of at least 2.0.0 or earlier.

-l, --list-rollback-points
       List rollback points

-m, --full-index-info
       Display full index information (Effective only for -l option)

-v, --traverse=strategy
       Set traverse mode for listing roll back points. Strategy should be forward or backward. (default: back‐

-j, --erase-history
       Erase history at rollback

-k, --keep-history
       Keep history at rollback (default)

-q, --quiet
       Suppress progress information and general messages

-t, --trace
       Enable function call tracing

       Enable diagnostic output to stderr and syslog

-V, --version
       Version information

-h, --help
       Show help information

-p, --advanced-help
       Full help, including advanced options


The options described here is experimental functions.

These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes  ('-').  A
summary of options is included below. For a complete description, see the Info files.

-i, --config=name
       Use the specified configuration file (default: )

-e, --backend=name
       Use the specified tape device backend (default: )

       Use the specified key manager interface backend (default: none)

-x, --fulltrace
       Enable full function call tracing (slow)

       Capture index information to the current directory (-g is effective for this option)

       List the rollback points of the cartridge that has no EOD


ltfs(8), mkltfs(8), tape-backend(4), kmi-backend(4), ltfs.conf(5).