Implemented by making a call to an AWS Lambda function from Google Actions. Lambda Function then makes a call to the gpt-3.5-turbo API and returns the reply to Google Actions in this format
"session": {
"id": session,
"params": {}
"prompt": {
"override": "false",
"firstSimple": {
"speech": gpt_reply,
"text": gpt_reply
"scene": {
"name": "GPTLoop",
"slots": {},
"next": {
"name": "GPTLoop"
Conversation history is recorded in an AWS DynamoDB which allows the user to refer to previous messages. Each conversation that can be referred back to is per Google Assistant sessions as that session id is the PK.
- Send conversation to Discord
- Better validation
- Customisable system message to get different types of outputs
- Better outputs (especially to Discord for things like code snippets)
- Maintain conversations across Google Assistant sessions
- Implement for Alexa
- Implement for another NLU assistant that can be used on PC