Simple discord webhook library in python created in a single file. Could probably be made much more efficient but it works. (Code could honestly not be more repetitive, someone please fix it)
Example code below
from DiscoPyHook import DiscoPyHook as DPH
import time
webhook = DPH("")
webhook.setContent("Hello world!")
embed = DPH.Embed()
embed.setTitle("Real title")
embed.setDescription("Real description")
embed.setFooter(DPH.Footer().setText("You can even do (look above title)")).setAuthor(DPH.Author().setName("STUFF LIKE THIS"))
embed.addField(DPH.Field().setName("Field 1").setValue("Value 1").setInline(True))
# You could also replace every "set" with "get" like you could do "embed.getTitle()" or "embed.getFields()" (returns a list)
# This also works (they all have the "setRaw(object)" method):
embed.addField(DPH.Field().setRaw({"name": "Field 2", "value": "Value 2", "inline": True}))
# timestamps!
# You can do
# "embed.setColorHex("00ff00")" or
# "embed.setColorRGB(0, 255, 0)" or
# "embed.setColorInt(65280)", but you could also do
# "embed.setColorInt(0x00ff00)" because python is cool
If you need support, contact me on discord: lightningreflex