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Google Photos Gallery with Shortcodes

Contributors: nakunakifi

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Tags: album, gallery, slideshow, photo, google photos, google picasa, image, images gallery, lightbox, picasa, picasa web, photo, photos

Requires at least: 3.0.1

Tested up to: 4.7.5

Stable tag: 3.0.13

The best Google Photos Gallery plugin to display your Google Photo Albums on your WordPress blog. It is fully responsive and looks awesome.


The best Google Photos Gallery plugin to display your Google Photo Albums on your WordPress blog. It is fully responsive and looks awesome. Google Photo Gallery is based on Google Picasa API. Use the plugin to display your Google Photo (Picasa) Albums on your WordPress blog. Using the shortcodes it is simple to embed a single album or all your albums. Display albums in grid view, list view or carousel. Image lightbox supports touch devices (Pro) and is fully responsive.

  • You get various display options for photo albums and the images with albums.
  • You can display Photo Albums in Grid View
  • You can display Photo Albums in List View
  • You can display Photo Albums in Carousel View
  • You can display Images in Albums in Grid View
  • You can display Images in Albums in List View
  • You can display Images in Albums in Carousel View
  • You can display Images in Albums in Justified Image Grid View
  • You can mix and match displays too. So you can show albums in carousel/grid/list and have the images in the album the user clicks on open up in grid view or list view or whatever!
  • You can show/hide Album Title
  • You can show/hide album details such as Number of images in Album and date published.
  • You can show/hide Image Title
  • You can show/hide Image Caption
  • You can configure the carousel to autoplay, show/hide dots, slides to scroll, slides to show, show/hide arrows etc
  • You can override nearly all general settings in each shortcode.
  • You can enable/disable download original image link.
  • There is no limitation to the number of albums and photos.
  • The visitor can browse through the photos in each album you decide to publish
  • You can add a Recent Albums Widget to the Sidebar that display your latest albums covers
  • You can show Public / and or Private Albums

If you have suggestions for a new add-on, feel free to email me at [email protected]. Want regular updates? follow me on Twitter!


  1. PHP5
  2. cURL running on your web host


  1. Unzip into your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Make your settings, Admin->Settings->Google Picasa
  4. Use the 'Display Album' shortcode [cws_gpp_albums] on a page of your choice.
  5. To display the album's images place the shortcode, [cws_gpp_images_in_album] on a page
  6. Update the shortcode used in step 4 to include the result_page option. [cws_gpp_albums results_page='page-slug-here']

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't want to display private (unlisted) albums?

Simple select "Public" option from the 'Show which albums' dropdown menu.

Does this work with Google Photos?

Yes this plugin works with images and albums stored and created in Google Photos too.

Can Users Download the Original Image File

Yes this is an option on the Pro version

The Cache Doesn't Seem to be Working

Log in to you web host and check the cache/ folder is writable by the web server.


  1. An example of Google Photos Album Grid View.
  2. An example of Google Photos Album List View.
  3. This is the default settings page.
  4. This is an eaxmple of the Albums shortcode [cws_gpp_albums].
  5. This is an example of the lightbox displaying photo you clicked on.


  • [cws_gpp_albums] Will display your albums.

  • [cws_gpp_images_in_album] This is a place holder to display the results of an album that has been clicked on, on a separate page.

  • [cws_gpp_images_by_albumid] Will display images in the album specified via the 'id' attribute

Shortcode Usage

  • Display Albums Covers in a Carousel [cws_gpp_albums theme=carousel dots=1 slidestoshow=3 slidestoscroll=1 autoplay=1 arrows=1 results_page=results-carousel show_details=1 show_title=1 num_results=6 hide_albums='Profile Photos,Auto Backup']

  • Display Album Covers in a Grid View [cws_gpp_albums theme=grid results_page=results-grid show_title=1 show_details=1 num_results=6 hide_albums='Auto Backup,Profile Photos']

  • Display Album Covers in a List View [cws_gpp_albums theme=list results_page=results-list show_title=1 show_details=1 thumb_size=185 num_results=3]

  • Display Images from Clicked Album Cover in a Carousel View [cws_gpp_images_in_album theme=carousel show_title=0 thumbsize=150]

  • Display Images from Clicked Album Cover in a Grid View [cws_gpp_images_in_album theme=grid show_title=1 show_details=1]

  • Display Images from Clicked Album Cover in a List View [cws_gpp_images_in_album theme=list show_title=1 show_details=1 num_results=13 thumb_size=250]

  • Display Images in a Specific Album, see 'Album Shortcodes' page for shortcodes complete with your Album IDs. Only one album per page.(PRO VERSION ONLY) [cws_gpp_images_by_albumid id=5218507736478682657 theme=grid show_title=0 show_details=0]

There are 2 main shortcodes:

  • [cws_gpp_albums]
  • [cws_gpp_images_album]

Each shortcode will work as is by using the default values saved on the plugin settings page.

The defaults can be overridden by placing attribites on the shortcode below are some examples.


Attributes descriptions and examples

theme='grid|list|carousel' results_page='album-results|page-slug-here' show_title='1|0' show_details='1|0' thumb_size='150' num_results='9' visibility='all|public|private' hide_albums='Auto Backup,name of album here'

For example [cws_gpp_albums theme='grid' results_page='results-list' show_title=1 show_details=1 thumb_size='50' num_results='9' visibility='all']


theme='grid|list|carousel' album_title='1|0' show_title='1|0' show_details='1|0' thumb_size='150' num_results='9'

For example [cws_gpp_images_in_album theme='grid' album_title=1 show_title=1 show_details=1]




  • Various improvements
  • Remove columnWidth from Masonry init to allow for centre positioning
  • Remove CSS opacity 0.8 on Album Thumbs
  • Remove 1px border bottom on projig view (Pro)
  • Fix Sidebar positioning bug that casued sidebar to appear below content


Changed lightbox image width to be 800px, thanks to @rhormazar for the feedback


Fixed bug where options saved are lost if plugin is deactivated then reactivated Added urleencode / stripslashes to Album Title Improve Widget Display Add Title and Caption options to lightbox


Fixed bug conflict with other plugins using Google Library Fixed bug with Album Title disppearing if pagination was clicked Fixed album thumbnail size bug not repsecting value in plugin settings page Added option to show/hide pagination in Widget Various other little bits and bobs


Added 'Getting Started' sub menu page to admin Fixed call for style_fx to be Pro only


Fixed bug where if no theme option was provided in certain shortcodes in could result in feed error notice Added 'theme=grid' option to shortcode examples in Pro page


Fixed pagination bug on home page


Fixed grid link bug with permalinks disabled Fixed download original link bug where image could open in lightbox


Fixed grid results layout bug


Various layout improvements Carousel options added, arrows, infinite, slidestoshow, slidestoscroll, autoplay, autoplayinterval, speed, dots Image thumbnail settings bug fixed Album thumbnail settings bug fixed Various other little bits


Added speed variable to init_slick.js Added empty array check for cache files


Readme.txt updates and description


Fixed: Warning: Missing argument notice when using theme pro_pbs (PRO ONLY) Added isFitWidth to Masonry init to allow for centering of grid via CSS


Added Show Albums [Public, Private, All, Visible] (PRO ONLY)


Added Justified Image Grid option (PRO ONLY)


Fixed bug effecting the sidebar appearance


Tidy up of error warning notices Tested with WordPress 4.6.1


Many small bugfixes. Rewrote XML from Google Feed Added 50% Off code Added Top level menu to admin


Bug fix: Carousel


Bux fix: Album Images


Paginaton added to Show Albums Widget Added default settings when first installed Bug fix - pagination under certain circumstance Among other things


Changes Title and description.


Added screenshots


Complete rewrite. Brought about by Google turning off OAuth1 Now supports OAuth2 ONLY UPGRADE IF PREVIOUS VERSION STOPPED WORKING FOR YOU! All shortcodes have changed


Fixed: Lost settings when updated Settings -> Reading

Upgrade Notice


Version 2.0 introduces some radical changes to the plugin. Please make sure to back up your data just in case anything happens


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