If you see this, it means the community beat the Evil Developers. You saved Fishards' source code.
This is the Fishards source code, you can use it anyway you like.
If you just want inspiration for your own multiplayer game, look at the code.
If you want to add a bug fix, patch or feature to Fishards, you can do that by making a pull request, here is a tutorial:
If you have any questions, join the discord: https://discord.gg/qBVVzhgzGS
Start by downloading a special version of Godot that uses the "GodotSteam" library to make peer-to-peer multiplayer possible via Steam.
Since Fishards was developed a few years back, an older version of Godot is used:
Once we have downloaded the Godot version from the link above, download the zip file from this github repository by pressing the 'code' button to your computer and load it up in the Godot version you downloaded.
Important: You need to be logged in to Steam when you start the game.
Since the game is in development mode on Steam, it will be called "Space Wars". If everything worked as intended, you should be able to play with other developers and try new features together.
Play around with the code, try building things and if you manage to fix a bug, balance a spell or add something completely new, create a pull request and let us devs know. We don't know how much time we'll have to verify different pull requests, but if you spend some time making something nice we'll consider adding it into the game on Steam!
This code has the MIT license. It means that you can do anything you want with the code and assets! :)
Beware the segmentation faults...
Happy coding!