This project is about collecting and RESTing a life's story We use Python 3 and Django 2 and we're licensed under the BSD-license.
Contribuitions are welcomed and we try to keep things newbies friendly. We need content, issues, comments and pull requests. If you're a coder, the best place to start is our issues. Please read them and help us shrpen them by commenting.
A biography
django application is wrapped in a tumuli project.
First 3 steps are models, admin-based interface and RESTFull API (based on DRF).
We probably need a presentation
app as we don't want to clutter biography
with presentation data and it would be nice to support multiple presentations
per biography.
$ pipenv --python 3.6
$ pipenv install --dev
$ pipenv shell
$ ./ check
$ ./ migrate
$ ./ runserver
and point your browser at http://localhost:8000