Scripts to create ELM/CLM surface dataset and domain NetCDF files for a list of user-specified grid cells. The scripts create new datasets by extracting nearest neighbor data from existing global datasets. The generated surface dataset and domain files are in the unstructured-grid format.
- Download the code
git clone
- Download surface data and domain data to run the 82x1_sparse_grid example
mkdir clm-netcdf
svn export ./clm-netcdf
svn export ./clm-netcdf
- Launch MATLAB
<MATLAB_INSTALLATION_DIR>/bin/matlab -nodesktop
- Run the example
>> cd <matlab-script-for-clm-sparse-grid>
>> CLM45SparseGridDriver('82x1_sparse_grid/82x1_sparse_grid.cfg');
1) Reading configuration file
2) Reading latitude/longitude @ cell centroid
3) Computing latitude/longitude @ cell vertex
4) Creating CLM surface dataset
surface_dataset: 82x1_sparse_grid/
WARNING: Site with (lat,lon) = (43.730000,288.750000) has more than one cells that are equidistant.
Picking the first closest grid cell.
Possible grid cells: 44.526316 287.500000
Possible grid cells: 44.526316 290.000000
5) Creating CLM domain
domain: 82x1_sparse_grid/