ME5413 Final Project from Group 16
Authors: Shen Xiaoting, Zeng Jinling, Lei Haoran, Shang Jiajian
# Clone your own fork of this repo (assuming home here `~/`)
git clone
cd ME5413_Final_Project
# Install all dependencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
# Build
# Source
source devel/setup.bash
This command will launch the gazebo with the project world
# Launch Gazebo World together with our robot
roslaunch me5413_world world.launch
After launching Step 0, in the second terminal:
# Launch Karto Mapping
roslaunch me5413_world mapping_karto.launch
After finishing mapping, run the following command in the thrid terminal to save the map:
# Save the map as `my_map` in the `maps/` folder
roscd me5413_world/maps/
rosrun map_server map_saver -f my_map map:=/map
Once completed Step 1 mapping and saved your map, quit the mapping process.
Then, in the second terminal:
# Use TEB local path planer and Hybrid A Star global path planer
roslaunch me5413_world teb_hybridastar_nav.launch
# Use original navigation algorithm
roslaunch me5413_world navigation.launch
# Use TEB with original Dijkstra
roslaunch me5413_world navigation_teb_loc.launch
# Use original DWA with Hybrid A Star
roslaunch me5413_world navigation_hybridastar.launch
You can check the introductions to these navigation algorithms and results in our report.
Run the evaluation program in the Analysis folder.