Similar to the default GridFieldExportButton but exports Excel (xlsx) files instead of CSV.
2.x | 1.x | 0.1.x |
Silverstripe 5, php >= 8.1 | Silverstripe 4, php >= 7.1 | Silverstripe 3, php >= 7 |
You can hook in and style the ready-to-export Excel file with a callback function.
$excelExportButton = new GridFieldExcelExportButton('buttons-before-left', $exportFieldMapping);
$excelExportButton->setAfterExportCallback([ExcelStylingHelper::class, 'styleExcelExport']);
The callback passes a subclass of PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Writer\BaseWriter (e.g. Xlsx writer object), there you can get the spreadsheet and the worksheet and manipulate it. See PHPSpreadsheet docs fo more details.
class ExcelStylingHelper
public static function styleExcelExport(BaseWriter $writer): void
$sheet = $writer->getSpreadsheet();
$sheet->getDefaultStyle()->getFont()->setName('Comic Sans MS');
and a thicker line between header and data
/** @var Worksheet $worksheet */
$worksheet = $sheet->getActiveSheet();
$borders = [
'borders' => [
'allBorders' => [
'borderStyle' => Border::BORDER_MEDIUM,
'color' => ['argb' => 'FF000000']
$bottomRight = $worksheet->getHighestColumn() . $worksheet->getHighestRow();
$worksheet->getStyle('A1:' . $bottomRight)->applyFromArray($borders);
$worksheet->getStyle('A1:' . $worksheet->getHighestColumn() . '1')->applyFromArray(
'borders' => [
'bottom' => [
'borderStyle' => Border::BORDER_THICK,
'color' => ['argb' => 'FF000000']
Sometimes, e.g. telephone numbers are displayed as scientific number. In this case you need to format the content as text.
In this example we check the header row for a specific column named "Tel" and format each cell in this column explicitely as text.
$headerRow = $worksheet->getRowIterator(1, 1)->current();
foreach ($headerRow->getCellIterator() as $headerCell) {
//check if header cell is "Tel"
if ($headerCell->getValue() === 'Tel') {
//format column as text
$column = $headerCell->getColumn();
$worksheet->getStyle($column . ':' . $column)
$column = $worksheet->getColumnIterator($column, $column)->current();
foreach ($column->getCellIterator() as $valueCell) {
- Daniel Kliemsch [email protected]
- Julian Scheuchenzuber [email protected]