py -m venv venv-name
source myvenv/bin/activate
##Install Django pip install django
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip freeze > filename-ext
pip install --upgrade dependency-name
Important: The convention must be ** SECRET_KEY=my_secret_key_value DEBUG=True ** Also your .env file must be located in the same folder of
- In case you're facing troubles(or make a mistake with migrations) in this project, i recommend delete all the migrations files, pycache or just the db.
- After do it. Change some field in your models or comment
- Run py makemigrations appname --dry-run --verbosity 3
- Migrate with py migrate
- sqlit3 tools, install it and setting it up as enviroment variables in you path
- Type sqlite3 dbname in your terminal
- After entering to the sqlite3 CLI, type .tables to see the hole schema
- Type .schema tablename to see the table schema
-Type python createsuperuser
- Add service stats on main page (Number of doctors, patients attended, doctors team )
- Check Vital Signs validation when creating a new consultation by doctor
- Check consultations inconsistencies with users deleted in system
- Add profile access to admin on system management
- Consider implementing a more robust file management strategy, like checking file types and sizes, to ensure that application handles image uploads securely and efficiently
- Add Vital Signs management on admin session with sorting, pagination and filtering
Solved issue with profile_picture field CustomUser model related also with media files default url in database
- Go to console and type py shell
- For this especific cased i have to remove this field, so i write in console the following:
from apps.users.models import CustomUser # Adjusted the path to CustomUser model
#### Filter users with profile_picture set to the default image path
users_with_default_image = CustomUser.objects.filter(profile_picture='profile_pics/default_profile_picture2.png')
#### Set profile_picture to None for each user with the default image
for user in users_with_default_image:
user.profile_picture = None
print(f"Updated {users_with_default_image.count()} users to use the static default profile picture.")
- Then type Enter and write
in shell - Make migrations in users
- Migrate
- Run again