This repo is for building and running the development, test and live servers
Virtual machine - strongly recommend for development and testing.
Manual instructions - for new live servers
There is puppet documentation which shows a very rough outline of how things are setup
Add the new user to modules/metacpan/manifests/user.pp
Add the user's pub key to the appropriate folder in modules/metacpan/files/default/home
After puppet has been run, the new user can SSH in to the production machine using hostname and port 2202
21:20 < ranguard> -
to set an 'env' value
21:21 < ranguard> sets the order config
files should be examined ( top overlaying data in the ones below )
21:21 < ranguard> so common.yaml is the ground work, but there are customisations in:
21:22 < ranguard> ^^ that is for all production servers
21:22 < ranguard> would
be specifically for bm-mc-02 node
21:23 < ranguard> the config files are EVERYTHING, there should be no specific logic in modules, they become dumb
21:25 < ranguard> is called, which
loads nodes/*.pp...
21:25 < ranguard> - says if the
hostname matches 'bm' then run a specific role and the rest comes from hiera