Fastest LZ4 implementation in Rust. Originally based on redox-os' lz4 compression, but now a complete rewrite. The results in the table are from a benchmark in this project (66Kb JSON, 10MB dickens) with the block format.
AMD Ryzen 7 5900HX, rustc 1.69.0 (84c898d65 2023-04-16), Manjaro, CPU Boost Disabled, CPU Governor: Performance
Compressor | Compression | Decompression | Ratio |
lz4_flex unsafe w. unchecked_decode | 1615 MiB/s | 5973 MiB/s | 0.2284 |
lz4_flex unsafe | 1615 MiB/s | 5512 MiB/s | 0.2284 |
lz4_flex safe | 1272 MiB/s | 4540 MiB/s | 0.2284 |
lzzz (lz4 1.9.3) | 1469 MiB/s | 5313 MiB/s | 0.2283 |
lz4_fear | 662 MiB/s | 939 MiB/s | 0.2283 |
snap | 1452 MiB/s | 1649 MiB/s | 0.2242 |
10 Mb dickens
Compressor | Compression | Decompression | Ratio |
lz4_flex unsafe w. unchecked_decode | 347 MiB/s | 3168 MiB/s | 0.6372 |
lz4_flex unsafe | 347 MiB/s | 2734 MiB/s | 0.6372 |
lz4_flex safe | 259 MiB/s | 2338 MiB/s | 0.6372 |
lzzz (lz4 1.9.3) | 324 MiB/s | 2759 MiB/s | 0.6372 |
lz4_fear | 201 MiB/s | 370 MiB/s | 0.6372 |
snap | 286 MiB/s | 679 MiB/s | 0.6276 |
- Very good logo
- LZ4 Block format
- LZ4 Frame format (thanks @arthurprs)
- High performance
- 1,5s clean release build time
- Feature flags to configure safe/unsafe code usage
- no-std support with block format (thanks @coolreader18)
- 32-bit support
Compression and decompression uses no unsafe via the default feature flags "safe-encode" and "safe-decode". If you need more performance you can disable them (e.g. with no-default-features).
lz4_flex = { version = "0.11" }
lz4_flex = { version = "0.11", default-features = false }
The block format is only valid for smaller data chunks as block is de/compressed in memory. For larger data use the frame format, which consists of multiple blocks.
use lz4_flex::block::{compress_prepend_size, decompress_size_prepended};
fn main(){
let input: &[u8] = b"Hello people, what's up?";
let compressed = compress_prepend_size(input);
let uncompressed = decompress_size_prepended(&compressed).unwrap();
assert_eq!(input, uncompressed);
no_std support is currently only for the block format, since the frame format uses std::io::Write
, which is not available in core.
The benchmark is run with criterion, the test files are in the benches folder.
Currently 4 implementations are compared, this one, lz-fear, the c version via rust bindings and snappy. The lz4-flex version is tested with the feature flags safe-decode and safe-encode switched on and off.
- lz4_cpp:
- lz-fear:
- snap:
Tested on AMD Ryzen 7 5900HX, rustc 1.69.0 (84c898d65 2023-04-16), Manjaro, CPU Boost Disabled, CPU 3GHZ
cargo bench --no-default-features
cargo bench
Miri can be used to find issues related to incorrect unsafe usage:
MIRIFLAGS="-Zmiri-disable-isolation -Zmiri-disable-stacked-borrows" cargo +nightly miri test --no-default-features --features frame
This fuzz target generates corrupted data for the decompressor.
cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_decomp_corrupt_block
and cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_decomp_corrupt_frame
This fuzz target asserts that a compression and decompression roundtrip returns the original input.
cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_roundtrip
and cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_roundtrip_frame
This fuzz target asserts compression with cpp and decompression with lz4_flex returns the original input.
cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_roundtrip_cpp_compress
- High compression
To migrate, just remove the checked-decode
feature flag if you used it.