AngularJSCMS is the front end Boilerplate for your costume CMS.
AngularJSCMS does not have server side scripting language like PHP, Node, or ASP.Net however this is a front-end boiler plate ready for a server side scripting language.
1 Install folder into root directory.
2 go to app/app.js open file and change url on line: "29" to your domain name AngularJSCMS will now load.
#Resources / Dependencies.
###Angular.js 1.4.7
###Pagination Directive
###jQuery 2.1.4
routs.js is controlled by Ajax request on page load
Ajax Request Starts sends in url
var url =;
On success of Ajax request
var currentApplication = new getTheCurrentApplication.fromThe(url);
Object getAccess.url is what initialize the application.
"Be sure that getAccess.url has value of your domain"