Using Golang(net/socket) to httpflood
Warning: Please use command "ulimit -n 999999" before use this in linux
1 Threads = 1 connection, 100~300 connections can down a normal website in 10s(specially apache server LOL)
This is golang and threads are just goroutines so you set more higher threads like 1000-5000 is fine.
Why can it run over 1000 threads(goroutines)? Read this
- HTTP Get Flood
- HTTP Post Flood
- Random url(http get flood)
- Self edit header(You can use "nil" to use default header)
- Improved threading control
- More powerful flood
- Auto get ip form domain(golang inbuilt function)
- More format for random url(http get flood)
- Fixed for 386 systems
Default header setting:
- Random user-agents
- Random data(http post flood)
- Random Accpetall
- Random Referer(only for http get flood)
Please download the F*cking golang at first.
git clone
Header.txt format:
Accept: text/html
User-agent: Wget
Or anything else of http header. If you don't have any idea of this please just use "nil" for using default random header.
cd golang-httpflood
go build httpflood.go
./httpflood <url> <threads> <get/post> <seconds> <header.txt/nil>