A flexible FIR filter for the Arduino or other CPP micro. This was inspired by Sebastian Nilsson's FIR library , but is a more generalized implementation that can be used with multiple data types. There is also an extensive example gallery for those not familiar with class templates or FIR filtering.
This library does not calculate the filter coefficients for you, but the online T-Filter tool does an excellent job.
Checkout the Arduino library installation page for details on how to install this library.
- determining_gain - Demonstrates how to determine the appropriate gain for the filter.
- moving_average - The FIR filter can be used as an efficient moving average filter.
- multiple_filters - Shows how to construct and use multiples filters in a single sketch.
This software is licensed under the MIT license. If you find the code useful, feel free to drop a note and say thanks or consider using Leeman Geophysical LLC for your next project!