Introduction to Data Visualization - Spring 2020
Final Project: Covid and Transportation
Thus far - creation of three datasets
covid-nyc.csv - Number of cases and deaths in NYC each day starting March 1st
covid-nyc-by-boro.csv - Number of cases and tests per county of NYC per day starting March 2nd
turnstile.csv - Number of entry/exits per ~4hr time period for each Control Area (station) - includes station details such as lat/long, zipcode, county
ny-zipcode-agi-stub.csv - Number of people with specific Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) stub broken down as below:
1 = $1 under $25,000
2 = $25,000 under $50,000
3 = $50,000 under $75,000
4 = $75,000 under $100,000
5 = $100,000 under $200,000
6 = $200,000 or more