The goal of this project was to understand the concepts behind docker networking and how multi-container, multi-host application can be managed using Docker and Ansible tools.
Docker is a set of tools which allow for easy creation of multiple lightweight virtual machines hosting different parts of an application we want to deploy (like a front-end server, a back-end server and a database).
The process of encapsulation of every such part is called "building an image" in docker terminology. To create such an image, we have to:
- start from a basic docker OS image - such an image consists of a set of libraries and tools - excluding the kernel. Most Linux distributions are supported with various versions to choose from (e.g. Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat)
- install our application - copy the code, set paths etc. (like we would do it on a live server)
All of the steps necessary to perform this installation need to be described in a Dockerfile.
You can build the provided example Dockerfile by running:
docker build --rm -t app_example_image docker-compose
Now if we would want to run this image, we have to start a container which is actually a copy of the created image. Any changes inside the container will live as long as the container does (you can start/pause/stop or remove it at any time).
It is common to create one image and then run it in a number of containers (usually dispersed among a number of physical hosts) which allows for easy scaling of an application. Furthermore, each container can easily be run with different parameters, expose different ports or be attached to a different network.
Finally we can also decide to "commit" a running container to an existing or a completely new image (think of it as: Save vs Save as) to create a new snapshot from which you'll be able to create other containers (see docker commit --help
To effectively manage the process of deploying applications (both for testing and production purposes) we have to be able to automate it in a highly deterministic manner, which will allow us to test and find bugs in the deployment process itself before they hurt our production servers.
In order achieve that, we need to separate all of the deployment tasks into a number of layers. The bigger the application, the more layers may be required to keep maintenance and operation costs at a minimum.
The first layer is actually the already mentioned Dockerfile which allows us to encapsulate the application code inside an image. For very small deployments, a single container may prove to be enough. It is however recommended to separate different responsibilities into different containers to be able to manage them effectively without bringing down the whole application each time we need to update the code or change configuration of one of the components. At the same time we should avoid logging into any running containers (for reasons other than debugging) and should ensure that we can simply restart them from a newly built image.
This keeps the update process relatively easy and simple and will allow to spot most issues early on. It might even allow for a quick rollback in the event that we encounter any serious issues after releasing a new version of our application.
The docker network create
command allows us to create a network which can be used by one or more local containers.
There are three types of network drivers supported out-of-the-box:
- bridge - allows to create isolated networks shared by all locally run containers.
In order to provide communication with external hosts at least one port must be published and linked either to a random or specified port on the host machine (via NAT). - overlay - allows to create a network which spans multiple docker hosts (using Virtual Extensible LAN tunnels), which can be only used with services (not ordinary containers). Therefore this mostly applies to running applications in docker swarm mode (more on this below).
- macvlan/ipvlan - allows to create a virtual network stacked upon the selected host interface (directly bound to the hardware, thus giving most performance of the three). Multiple VLANs can be created for one physical interface and shared among multiple containers.
- macvlan allows for multiple VLAN sub-interfaces with distinct mac/ip addresses (on one interface)
- ipvlan allows for multiple VLAN sub-interfaces with a common mac address (allowing to circumvent hardware sub-interface mac count restrictions) with distinct IP addresses (in the case of an external DHCP you must switch to using unique ClientIDs instead of the mac address)
docker network create --driver bridge --subnet --gateway= test_nw
- creates a local bridge based network with the given address namespace and gateway (routing)
docker run -it --network test_nw app_example_image
- runs a container from the "app_example_image" using the created network (including correctly setup address and routing)
From a DevOps point of view, the above is good and bad at the same time. The good part is that we can provide all application components with a network sufficiently customized to their needs. The bad part is that the appropriate commands need to be executed (with the exception of overlay + swarm) every time we setup a docker host.
This may become a problem when were dealing with multiple machines as we should aim to keep our configuration simple, well defined and reusable without having to rely on manually crafted scripts and solutions.
To efficiently manage multi-container and/or multi-instance deployments, we can add another layer to our configuration using one of the following (depending on our project needs):
- Docker-compose
- Ansible-playbook (with Docker Registry)
This is a solution devised to allow for specifying how different docker containers work together as a larger application (including a slightly limited possibility to define and create docker networks) via a file called "docker-compose.yml".
This configuration can then be used to easily manage the whole application.
See full file in docker-compose/docker-compose.yml:
- Network configuration example (version 3)
driver: bridge
driver: default
- subnet:
- Run it using
docker-compose up
(from within the docker-compose directory) - Note that the container names are generated automatically from project directory, service name and instance number:
$ docker container ls --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Networks}}"
cf1c4e51ab0b dockercompose_nodes dockercompose_nodes_1 dockercompose_test_nw,dockercompose_test_nw2
a9f9361f75b1 dockercompose_web dockercompose_web_1 dockercompose_test_nw
- Check dockercompose_nodes_1, which is now attached to both configured networks:
$ docker exec -it dockercompose_nodes_1 ip addr | grep -E "inet.+eth"
inet scope global eth0
inet scope global eth1
$ docker exec -it dockercompose_nodes_1 ip route
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src
$ docker exec -it dockercompose_nodes_1 ping -c 1
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.270 ms
$ docker exec -it dockercompose_nodes_1 ping -c 1
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.172 ms
docker container ls --format "{{.Names}}" | xargs -n 1 -iCNT docker exec --privileged CNT su -c "ip route del default && ip route add default via"
Also note the --privileged flag when running docker exec. You must grant extra permissions to the exec command, otherwise routing cannot be altered from a container (which is actually a good thing).
docker-compose up
again, it will use the already existing networks (built during the first launch). In order to update the new configuration, you have to remove the existing networks using (in this example): docker network rm dockercompose_test_nw dockercompose_test_nw2
The main drawback of docker-compose is its scale of operation, as it is mainly designed to work with a single machine hosting multiple docker containers. To quote the official documentation:
Compose is great for development, testing, and staging environments
To use the above configuration across a number of machines, one must explicitly run:
- on host1:
docker-compose scale web=x
- on host2:
docker-compose scale nodes=y
where x and y define how many individual containers are to be run for each "service" on the given host (:warning: there is a naming collision between what is considered a service in docker-compose and in docker in swarm mode).
Also note that the above will not work if the bridge network driver is used, though it could work with macvlan/ipvlan.
A possible solution to this could be Docker Stacks which is an experimental feature that allows to bundle docker-compose files into a "multi-services distributable image format". But it is also very likely that it will end up obsoleted by Docker Swarm mode.
Ansible is basically a supercharged SSH client with loads of modules that can be used to perform and assert certain configuration tasks like creating users and paths, ensuring correct permissions and configurations, sending notifications via a plethora of messaging solutions (e-mail, sms, slack etc.) ...and handling docker.
Thus an even better approach is to take advantage of an Ansible playbook, which is a group of tasks (also called a scenario) that can be run using Ansible on a set of machines in parallel.
An example of how this could be achieved can be found in the ansible-playbook directory.
This example is composed of:
- deploy.yml - the playbook (scenario)
- testing/inventory - list of staging hosts that we want to deploy to
- testing/group_vars/all - common settings for testing machines
- production/inventory - list of production hosts that we want to deploy to
- production/group_vars/all - common settings for production machines
- production/host_vars/ - some very specific settings override for the and machines (note that host_vars/ can be a symlink)
Now in order to run a playbook deployment, you need to follow these steps:
- Prepare at least one virtual machine with host connectivity and docker installed.
- Setup a docker registry on your host
- Update the host names (in the inventory files) in the above example to point to correct host names (make sure your virtual machine has a resolvable hostname assigned and that you can ping it from your host).
- Perform the deployment using ansible-playbook.
There are plenty of guides on how to setup up a simple virtual machine, so I won't be covering that part here. From my own experience I can recommend using VirtualBox with a bridged network and a very basic Ubuntu server (make sure to install "python-pip").
This part is actually pretty well explained here with the only exception, that we want to have the registry to be reachable from within our VBox host-only network. The simplest way to achieve this is to change dockerd run params (DOCKER_OPTS in /etc/default/docker on Ubuntu) to contain the following two params:
-H docker-host --insecure-registry docker-host:5000
and restart the docker service.
export DOCKER_HOST=docker-host:2375
Finally we can fire up the registry container as described in the tutorial:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2
or leave it to our deployment playbook below...
Now before we actually deploy anything, we need to have something to deploy. If you followed the steps in the docker introduction you should have an "app_example_image" image ready.
To push it to our local registry, we could run:
docker tag app_example_image docker-host:5000/app_example_image
- to properly tag the existing image for use via the registrydocker push docker-host:5000/app_example_image
- to push the image layers into the registrydocker pull docker-host:5000/app_example_image
- to fetch the image from the registry on each deployment machine- and finally a variation of the commands from docker-compose example to setup the network
But where's the fun in that?
After all we have Ansible modules which can do all of it for us, in parallel, on all configured hosts and then automatically run the image as containers.
Inspect the deploy.yml and the testing/group_vars/all (remember to update the IP address). If everything looks right, just run and enjoy:
ansible-playbook -i testing deploy.yml
➡️ You can run the above command multiple times, correcting any issues as you go. Most of the modules used in the playbook are idempotent. Thus if a tasks goal is already met, you'll see a green "[ok]" next to it's hostname.
When it's done, go to port 80 of the deployment host and verify that you see the testing page.
You can verify the settings using... you guessed it, Ansible!
$ ansible back -i testing -m shell -a "docker container ls --format 'table {%raw%}{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Networks}}{%endraw%}' && docker exec app_example_nodes ip route"
web-back1.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_nodes>8000/tcp test_nw,test_nw2
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_web>8000/tcp test_nw
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src
web-back2.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_nodes>8000/tcp test_nw,test_nw2
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_web>8000/tcp test_nw
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src
web-back3.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_nodes>8000/tcp test_nw2,test_nw
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_web>8000/tcp test_nw
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto kernel scope link src
Now lets make things really interesting and get all of those containers share a single common network. For this we will need to utilize the Overlay network driver. Here's how to do it in three easy steps:
First we need to select some key-value store, which will allow the Overlay driver to exchange data between hosts.
We get to choose from the following options:- Consul
- Etcd
- Apache ZooKeeper
The following example uses a Consul image from Docker Hub, so you don't have to install anything.
Next we have to update the way our docker engine is started (same place we changed when setting up the registry) by adding the following two options to our own docker:
--cluster-store=consul:// --cluster-advertise=docker-host:2375
and on each Virtual machine with:
--cluster-store=consul:// --cluster-advertise=EXT_IF:2375
and remember to restart the dockers.
- Inspect and run the deploy-overlay.yml playbook:
ansible-playbook -i testing deploy-overlay.yml
When all is set we can inspect the newly created network:
$ ansible back -i testing -m shell -a 'docker container ls --format "table {%raw%}{{.Image}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Networks}}{%endraw%}" && export hostname=`hostname -s` && docker exec app_example_nodes-$hostname ip addr | grep -E "inet.+eth"'
web-back1.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_nodes-web-back1>8000/tcp test_overlay
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_web-web-back1>8000/tcp test_overlay
consul consul-client host
inet scope global eth0
inet scope global eth1
web-back2.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_nodes-web-back2>8000/tcp test_overlay
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_web-web-back2>8000/tcp test_overlay
consul consul-client host
inet scope global eth0
inet scope global eth1
web-back3.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_nodes-web-back3>8000/tcp test_overlay
docker-host:5000/app_example_image:v3 app_example_web-web-back3>8000/tcp test_overlay
consul consul-client host
inet scope global eth0
inet scope global eth1
➡️ Note that the container names had to be altered (postfixed with the domain name), because now they need to be unique in the network scope. You can see why by running nmap from one of the running containers:
root@446d7f20203b:/project# nmap -sP
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( ) at 2017-05-31 22:23 UTC
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.000082s latency).
MAC Address: 02:EB:59:31:28:E7 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for app_example_web-web-back1.test_overlay (
Host is up (0.000012s latency).
MAC Address: 02:42:0A:0A:0A:02 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for app_example_web-web-back2.test_overlay (
Host is up (0.000018s latency).
MAC Address: 02:42:0A:0A:0A:03 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for app_example_web-web-back3.test_overlay (
Host is up (0.000010s latency).
MAC Address: 02:42:0A:0A:0A:04 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for app_example_nodes-web-back3.test_overlay (
Host is up (0.000010s latency).
MAC Address: 02:42:0A:0A:0A:05 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for app_example_nodes-web-back1.test_overlay (
Host is up (0.000016s latency).
MAC Address: 02:42:0A:0A:0A:07 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for 446d7f20203b (
Host is up.
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (7 hosts up) scanned in 3.50 seconds
As you can see, the container names are now fully resolvable container hostnames (the final host is shown as "446d7f20203b" because that's where nmap was run from, hence it returned the /etc/hosts match instead. But of course you can also reach it via app_example_nodes-web-back2.test_overlay).
$ docker exec -it dev-consul consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
docker-host alive server 0.8.3 2 dc1
web-back1.testing alive client 0.8.3 2 dc1
web-back2.testing alive client 0.8.3 2 dc1
web-back3.testing alive client 0.8.3 2 dc1
Of course you could also set it up on one of the deployment hosts.
So far so good, but what if we don't really want to have to care about which service is run on which server? What if all we care for are service instance counts and resource utilization?
Have no fear, that's exactly where the third configuration layer comes in to take us even further:
Docker Swarm mode was developed to address the multi-host nature of most large applications. The core idea is to work with image-based services which replace the use of containers and include a lot more configuration, most importantly:
- automated health checks
- dns/network configurations
- resource requirements
A swarm is actually a cluster of nodes with one or more nodes designated to be managers. Creating a simple swarm out of a number of machines sharing a common network is a very straightforward task. All you need to do is:
- Setup docker to run a registry.
This time you can run it using a deploy-compose.yml file from within the docker-registry directory:
cd docker-registry && docker-compose up -d
- run
docker swarm init
on the machine designated to be a manager - run
docker swarm join --token $TOKEN $MANAGER_IP:2377
on each node (you will be provided with the join command when running step 2.)
You can now inspect your cluster by issuing:
$ docker node ls
23rhp7w2l3gn1og68stohv6md web-back2.testing Ready Active
91e7jti9e48sszbwsru5iyn6k web-back1.testing Ready Active
rpsesq1lko4putmu8tn08i5op * docker-host Ready Active Leader
wquc87x7ywasg1crouoen82yd web-back3.testing Ready Active
Having all this information, the swarm manager can run and manage services on itself and its nodes.
Following steps show an example of how to run a service:
➡️ For this example to work (and to demonstrate resource-detection in action) update your node VMs to have a limit of 1 CPU per machine.
- Build and tag the image
- Once again tag the image, but this time using its fully qualified name which includes the registry URL (:warning: make sure that the domain name used is resolvable from every node to which you want to deploy this service):
docker tag app_example_image docker-host:5000/app_example_image
- Push it to the registry to make it accessible from every node:
docker push docker-host:5000/app_example_image
- Create a service using the image:
docker service create --name service_example docker-host:5000/app_example_image
- Verify that it's running:
$ docker service ls
qg69qmxxlozc service_example replicated 1/1 docker-host:5000/app_example_image:latest
$ docker container ls --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Command}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Networks}}'
efd0fbb2ad6e "python3 /project/..." Up 12 minutes service_example.1.vo5luctopep2k4e9v3m02ve3o bridge
ccfbc104231c "/ /e..." Up 31 minutes>5000/tcp dockerregistry_registry_1 bridge
Notice that for now the service is only available on a bridge network (quite possibly at This is because it is run locally on the manager node and doesn't need an Overlay network to be setup.
- Now let's update the service to contain a port mapping and specify a CPU resource requirement:
docker service update service_example --reserve-cpu 1 --limit-cpu 1 --publish-add 8000:8000
The service should become available on docker-host:8000, but it's still running on the manager node. One way to force it to run on one of our actual nodes is to use labels:
$ docker node update --label-add type=worker web-back1.testing
$ docker node update --label-add type=worker web-back2.testing
$ docker node update --label-add type=worker web-back3.testing
$ docker node inspect web-back{1,2,3}.testing --pretty
ID: ahavlc8put6r1s0oga7ro5ld8
- type = worker
Hostname: web-back1.testing
ID: xqizb54nrz3f9tp05i98kbcet
- type = worker
Hostname: web-back2.testing
ID: k03nx073r73u9qscl0rcvzits
- type = worker
Hostname: web-back3.testing
Now update the service to make it run in 3 replicas on nodes that meet our new constraints and with a new port mapping:
docker service update service_example --constraint-add 'node.labels.type == worker' --publish-add 80:8000 --publish-rm 8000:8000 --replicas 3
➡️ If you want to change only the replica count, use a shortcut: docker service scale service_example=3
Verify that it's working as expected:
$ docker service ls
rsqgjyd8fe1w service_example replicated 3/3 docker-host:5000/app_example_image:latest
$ ansible back -i ansible-playbook/testing -m shell -a 'docker container ls --format "table {%raw%}{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Networks}}{%endraw%}"'
web-back2.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
2ea90851cf0a service_example.2.3ochfpyodt6yc2kqjs8bf3vc5 ingress
web-back1.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
78701430e4b1 service_example.1.4oauvirgbrhkwmdffvm10wi51 ingress
web-back3.testing | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
882bdfa8f548 service_example.3.cqy0yzx3b0rqto5x8qm3fukvg ingress
$ docker network ls --filter driver=overlay
by1b7ajrz7g8 ingress overlay swarm
As you can see, Docker automatically handled creating the Overlay network. Be aware that it will only be present on nodes which are actually running a given service. You can of course also create your own network and tell the service to use it via the --network switch, but only during service create.
Also note that the node labeling shown above is a very simple method of grouping your nodes into swarm subclusters. This allows to have a very fine-grained control over what is run where.
In order to get a better grip over each swarm service, you can store their configuration in a deploy-compose.yml file, just like plain containers. The key difference is the deploy setting (only available in version 3), which controls the service deployment into the swarm and is only used when running docker stack deploy
. This will most likely be the preferred way as soon as docker stacks and distributed application bundles come out of the experimental stage.
Follow this link if you want to read more about this technology and try it out (it's already available in experimental builds of the docker engine).
Going one step back, we can easily create an Ansible playbook to automate the Swarm creation. Despite the fact that at this moment there are no Ansible Swarm related modules available from Ansible itself, its users have already came up with custom solutions to fill the hole. For example check out these GitHub projects:
First things first. Keep in mind that ansible-container is a fairly new tool and using it you will most likely encounter a couple of bugs. Most of them can be dealt with by correcting your environment or fetching a more up-to-date release from GitHub, but still you have to plan some extra time to deal with it.
On the upside, below I documented solutions to the issues I encountered when writing this chapter and once you have a working setup, everything should churn along nicely.
➡️ Be aware that Ansible-container has recently reached version 0.9.1 which introduced a few major changes. Thus this is the version I'll be talking about in this chapter (actually even 0.9.2rc0 due to a bug I encountered midway, but I'd recommend trying with the official pip release first).
OK, issues aside, remember when I called Ansible a supercharged SSH client?
Well then ansible-container is a supercharged ansible-playbook.
It is built around the concept of Roles. They are basically a more developed form of playbooks describing how to build a single microservice (think deb or rpm packages). You can write your own or you can fetch them from the Ansible Galaxy where you can browse thousands of ready-to-use roles.
Once you have them, you compose your services from them.
Examples of production ready roles from the Ansible Galaxy:
Another important distinction from the previous examples is that Ansible-container runs the whole build processes from within a separate container called "Ansible Container Conductor". Thus unlike before, Python does not have to be installed in the target container.
To create an ansible container you can either start from scratch:
ansible-container init
(should be run in an empty directory)
or by converting your Dockerfile into a playbook, e.g.:
ansible-container import path-to-Dockerfile
We'll start with importing our test application from docker-compose example:
ansible-container import ../docker-compose/
(this was already run to create the contents of the ansible-container directory)
Next step is to verify that everything makes sense (e.g. after running the above import on our docker-compose example the container.yml was blank and had to be created manually). Inspect the ansible-container/roles directory to see how our Dockerfile was converted to a role.
Once you are ready, initiate the service build process by running:
ansible-container build
ansible-container build --use-local-python
docker image pull python:3
and try building again.
This should prepare a new docker image with your service:
$ docker image ls
ansible-container-nodes latest 168c0f73f78a 21 minutes ago 724 MB
ansible-container-web 20170602173726 168c0f73f78a 21 minutes ago 724 MB
ansible-container-web latest 168c0f73f78a 21 minutes ago 724 MB
ansible-container-conductor latest 9bb0a77f700f About an hour ago 604 MB
python 3 b6cc5d70bc28 3 weeks ago 689 MB
centos 7 8140d0c64310 3 weeks ago 193 MB
registry 2 9d0c4eabab4d 3 weeks ago 33.2 MB
Time to test it, execute: ansible-container run
You should now have the application running at docker-host:80 (unless it is busy).
Having verified that it works, you can stop it using:
ansible-container stop
Note that we did not specify any networking options this time. This is because the container.yml does not support any network related configuration. It is a design decision which aims at leaving it to the final deployment environment, which makes sense when you look at the scale and complexity of the supported deployment engines.
Currently there are three deployment engines supported:
- Docker
- OpenShift
- Kubernetes
Regardless of the chosen engine, there are two more things to do before we can deploy.
First, we have to ensure that our images will be available remotely. All engines support an external private registry (like the one we used with Ansible playbook and Docker Swarm), but OpenShift and Kubernetes also supply their own integrated ones.
It is up to you to decide what suits you best:
Once you decide which registry you want to utilize, you should put it down in your container.yml. For example for a local private registry we could use:
url: http://docker-host:5000
username: whoever
password: whatever
Second, we have to push the images and prepare the deployment ...wait-for-it... playbook! Contrary to its name, the deploy command does not really deploy anything anywhere. It only prepares a file inside a new directory called ansible-deployment (you can also override its name with --output-path).
The default engine is docker:
ansible-container deploy --push-to my-local-registry --output-path docker-deploy --tag v1
For Kubernetes run it like this:
ansible-container --engine k8s deploy --push-to my-local-registry --output-path k8s-deploy --tag v1
And finally for OpenShift like this:
ansible-container --engine openshift deploy --push-to my-local-registry --output-path openshift-deploy --tag v1
Go ahead and have a look at the generated playbooks and roles:
➡️ The &id001 and *id001 is just YAML reference notation (*X are pointers to structures marked with &X).
Obviously to use them, one still has to adjust things like host names, authentication details etc. But possibly a lot can be also done using inventories and environment variables (including the deploy switches --with-variables and --with-volumes).
From my limited local tests (I do not have access to a real live Kubernetes or OpenShift instance) they seem to help get most things done and most importantly - help keep the project configuration up-to-date.
Following is an example of how to use the Docker deployment playbook:
- Create a hosts inventory file with the hosts you want to deploy to, e.g.:
echo "docker-host" > hosts
- Update the generated playbook:
- remove the protocol part from image names and append the tag to them (see reported bug)
- update hosts (e.g. "all" will run will all hosts defined in the inventory file)
- To deploy the service run:
ansible-playbook -i hosts docker-deploy/ansible-container.yml -t start
- To stop/restart the service run:
ansible-playbook -i hosts docker-deploy/ansible-container.yml -t [stop|restart]
- To completely remove the service and associated image/container files run:
ansible-playbook -i hosts docker-deploy/ansible-container.yml -t destroy