- tweepy
- matplotlib
- pandas
- Create a twitter developer account
- Cerate an app and save Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, OAuth Access Token and OAuth Access Token Secret
- twitterAnalytics_Lavanya_Veeravalli.py program retrieves live tweets with KeyWord as python from Twitter and generates hash tag frequency and geolocation frequency. It also generates a plot for top 20 hashtags (top_hashtag_frequency.jpg).
- This program will continue to run till the program gets interupted by the user or any connection error.
- view_top_hashtag_count variable from twitterAnalytics_Lavanya_Veeravalli.py can be changed as per the requirements.
- geoLocation_Lavanya_Veeravalli.py generates word cloud and input for this script is the geo_location_frequency.csv generated from live twitter analytics scipt twitterAnalysis_lavanya.py.
- User defined paths should be changed according to Windows or other environments. Example paths in the script should work on Windows.