Welcome to the Truffle Project Deployment to Vercel and Goerli Network repository. In this project, we explore the seamless deployment of Ethereum smart contracts developed using Truffle to the Goerli test network and host a front-end application on Vercel for easy interaction.
To get started, ensure you have Truffle installed globally. We have pre-configured Truffle for you, making it easy to deploy your smart contracts. Open the truffle-config.js
file to see the network configurations, including the Goerli network settings.
const { MNEMONIC, PROJECT_ID } = process.env;
const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');
module.exports = {
contracts_build_directory: "../client/src/contracts",
networks: {
development: {
host: "", // Localhost (default: none)
port: 8545, // Standard Ethereum port (default: none)
network_id: "*", // Any network (default: none)
goerli: {
provider: function() {
return new HDWalletProvider(
network_id: 5, // --> https://chainlist.org/?search=goerli&testnets=true
// Set default mocha options here, use special reporters, etc.
mocha: {
// timeout: 100000
// Configure your compilers
compilers: {
solc: {
version: "0.8.18", // Fetch exact version from solc-bin (default: truffle's version)
Ensure you have your Infura API key and mnemonic set up for secure deployments in your .env
Also, don't forget to initialize correctly your .gitignore
file to prevent uneccesary files transfert and sensible information.
# See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ for more about ignoring files.
# pendencies
# Production
# Testing
# Env
# Editor
# Misc.
# add
Compile your smart contracts using Truffle:
truffle compile
Migrate your contracts to the Goerli network:
truffle migrate --network goerli
Once your contracts are deployed, you'll receive contract address. In our case also inside the file
(with ABI definition too) inclient/src/contracts/
"networks": {
"5": {
"events": {},
"links": {},
"address": "0x6C64fd92822Cc4505351052BA1Eb1FC2adD26dBb",
"transactionHash": "0x64352f622c81884899b5d54600bc6b055362072b9c6b6810ffcbd596a72f73b2"
- You can check the deployment on Etherscan for Goerli Tesnet, here : Contract Address and see the Decompiled Bytecode
Decentralized App is deployed on Vercel at React Truffle Box
It's a basic React front-end application to interact with your smart contracts. The application is hosted on Vercel for easy access. To deploy your front end, make sure to configure your Vercel settings.
[15:38:41.597] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[15:38:41.719] Cloning github.com/Laugharne/alyra_dapp_deploy (Branch: main, Commit: 5eda9af)
[15:38:41.968] Cloning completed: 248.667ms
[15:38:43.726] Restored build cache
[15:38:43.793] Running "vercel build"
[15:38:44.290] Vercel CLI 32.2.0
[15:38:44.942] Installing dependencies...
[15:38:46.823] up to date in 2s
[15:38:46.823] 176 packages are looking for funding
[15:38:46.824] run `npm fund` for details
[15:38:46.840] Detected `package-lock.json` generated by npm 7+...
[15:38:46.841] Running "npm run build"
[15:38:47.141] > [email protected] build
[15:38:47.141] > webpack
[15:38:51.528] 3 assets
[15:38:51.528] 48 modules
[15:38:51.528] webpack 5.75.0 compiled successfully in 3689 ms
[15:38:51.573] Build Completed in /vercel/output [7s]
[15:38:51.676] Deploying outputs...
[15:38:52.747] Deployment completed
[15:38:59.505] Uploading build cache [23.22 MB]...
[15:39:00.895] Build cache uploaded: 1.390s
This box comes with everything you need to start using Truffle to write, compile, test, and deploy smart contracts, and interact with them from a React app.
First ensure you are in an empty directory.
Run the unbox
command using 1 of 2 ways.
# Install Truffle globally and run `truffle unbox`
$ npm install -g truffle
$ truffle unbox react
# Alternatively, run `truffle unbox` via npx
$ npx truffle unbox react
Start the react dev server.
$ cd client
$ npm start
From there, follow the instructions on the hosted React app. It will walk you through using Truffle and Ganache to deploy the SimpleStorage
contract, making calls to it, and sending transactions to change the contract's state.
How do I use this with Ganache (or any other network)?
The Truffle project is set to deploy to Ganache by default. If you'd like to change this, it's as easy as modifying the Truffle config file! Check out our documentation on adding network configurations. From there, you can run
truffle migrate
pointed to another network, restart the React dev server, and see the change take place. -
Where can I find more resources?
This Box is a sweet combo of Truffle and Webpack. Either one would be a great place to start!