In order reduce the amount of data to be uploaded to the MGT database some of the MGT pipeline processing can be performed locally.
These steps include:
1 - Species, serovar checking with kraken and SISTR
2 - Genome assembly with shovill and skesa
3 - Genome QC
4 - Extraction of alleles from genome using known allele fasta file
5 - Assignment of 7 gene MLST sequence type
The resulting file is often several orders of magnitude smaller than the raw reads, facilitating rapid upload and analysis.
1. Download this repo:
git clone
2. Download latest miniKraken Database:
Before setting up the pipeline for processing raw data reads into alleles, firstly download a minikraken database (warning is 2.9GB).
The MiniKraken DB can be accessed at,
unzip archive
3. Add database folder variable with:
export KRAKEN_DEFAULT_DB="/home/user/minikraken_db_folder"
4. Install miniconda3:
This pipeline requires you already have a miniconda3 installed.
install miniconda3 ->
5. Create miniconda3 environment:
Next a Miniconda3 environment will be created and will contain all the required dependencies for this pipeline. The "fq_to_allele.yml" has been provided to creating an environment named "fq_to_allele".
conda env create -f /path_to_MGT_reads2alleles/fq_to_allele.yml -n fq_to_allele
6. Users Permission
Lastly, the user permissions for the shovill_15cov file must be adjusted to allow execution
chmod 755 /path_to_MGT_reads2alleles/shovill_cmd/bin/shovill_15cov
Activate conda environment
conda activate fq_to_allele
For usage
python /path/to/ -h
[-s SPECIES] [--no_serotyping NO_SEROTYPING]
[-y SEROTYPE] [-t THREADS] [-m MEMORY] [-f]
[--min_largest_contig MIN_LARGEST_CONTIG]
[--max_contig_no MAX_CONTIG_NO]
[--genome_min GENOME_MIN] [--genome_max GENOME_MAX]
[--n50_min N50_MIN] [--kraken_db KRAKEN_DB]
[--hspident HSPIDENT] [--locusnlimit LOCUSNLIMIT]
[--snpwindow SNPWINDOW] [--densitylim DENSITYLIM]
[--refsize REFSIZE] [--blastident BLASTIDENT]
[--strainid STRAINID]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Input paired fastq(.gz) files, comma separated (i.e.
name_1.fastq,name_2.fastq ) (default: None)
File path to MGT reference allele file. (default:
-o OUTPATH, --outpath OUTPATH
Path to ouput file name,required=True (default: None)
-s SPECIES, --species SPECIES
String to find in kraken species confirmation test
(default: Salmonella enterica)
--strainid STRAINID
Specify strain name instead of extracting from read file name
(default: None)
--no_serotyping NO_SEROTYPING
Do not run Serotyping of Salmonella using SISTR (ON by
default) (default: None)
-y SEROTYPE, --serotype SEROTYPE
Serotype to match in SISTR, semicolon separated
(default: Typhimurium;I 4,[5],12:i:-)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of computing threads (default: 4)
-m MEMORY, --memory MEMORY
memory available in GB (default: 8)
-f, --force overwrite output files with same strain name?
(default: False)
--min_largest_contig MIN_LARGEST_CONTIG
Assembly quality filter: minimum allowable length of
the largest contig in the assembly in bp (default:
--max_contig_no MAX_CONTIG_NO
Assembly quality filter: maximum allowable number of
contigs allowed for assembly (default: 700)
--genome_min GENOME_MIN
Assembly quality filter: minimum allowable total
assembly length in bp (default: 4500000)
--genome_max GENOME_MAX
Assembly quality filter: maximum allowable total
assembly length in bp (default: 5500000)
--n50_min N50_MIN Assembly quality filter: minimum allowable n50 value
in bp (default for salmonella) (default: 20000)
--kraken_db KRAKEN_DB
path for kraken db (if KRAKEN_DEFAULT_DB variable has
already been set then ignore) (default:
--hspident HSPIDENT BLAST percentage identity needed for hsp to be
returned (default: 0.98)
--locusnlimit LOCUSNLIMIT
minimum proportion of the locus length that must be
present (not masked with Ns) (default: 0.8)
--snpwindow SNPWINDOW
Size of sliding window to screen for overly dense SNPs
(default: 40)
--densitylim DENSITYLIM
maximum number of SNPs allowed to be present in window
before window is masked (default: 4)
--refsize REFSIZE Approx size of genome for shovill input in megabases
i.e. 5.0 or 2.9 (default: 5.0)
--blastident BLASTIDENT
BLAST percentage identity needed for entire alignment to be returned (default: 90)
--strainid STRAINID specify a strain name (overrides default extraction
from read names) (default: False)
running strain 1234 against salmonella typhimurium MGT with 8 cores and 30gb RAM
python /path/to/ -i 1234_1.fastq.gz,1234_2.fastq.gz -r MGT_alleles_file -o output_file_name --serotype "Typhimurium;I 4,[5],12:i:-" --species "Salmonella enterica" -t 8 -m 30
running strain abcd against vibrio cholerae MGT with 4 cores and 50gb RAM (serotyping is currently only for Salmonella)
python /path/to/ -i abcd_1.fastq.gz,abcd_2.fastq.gz -r MGT_alleles_file -o output_file_name --no_serotyping --species "Vibrio cholerae" -t 4 -m 50