After cloning this project, please run these commands to be able to run the application on your local browser
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
│ ├───sass/
│ │ ├───_keyframes.scss
│ │ └───_variables.scss
│ ├───plus-solid.svg
│ ├───stepout-logo.svg
│ ├───ticked_icon.svg
│ ├───trash-solid-red.svg
│ └───trash-solid.svg
│ ├───Forms/
│ │ ├───CategoryForm/
│ │ │ ├───Category.tsx
│ │ │ ├───CategoryForm.scss
│ │ │ └───NewCategory.tsx
│ │ ├───ChooseCategoryForm/
│ │ │ ├───ChooseCategoryForm.scss
│ │ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ │ └───TodoColorPickingForm.tsx
│ │ └───DeleteForm/
│ │ ├───DeleteForm.scss
│ │ └───index.tsx
│ ├───LowerPart/
│ │ ├───InputFieldWrapper/
│ │ │ ├───InputField/
│ │ │ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ │ │ └───InputField.scss
│ │ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ │ └───InputFieldWrapper.scss
│ │ └───ToDoList/
│ │ ├───ToDoItem/
│ │ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ │ └───ToDoItem.scss
│ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ └───ToDoList.scss
│ ├───PopUpModal/
│ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ └───PopUpModal.scss
│ ├───StatusBar/
│ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ └───StatusBar.scss
│ └───UpperPart/
│ ├───CategoryBar/
│ │ ├───CategoryElement/
│ │ │ ├───CategoryElement.scss
│ │ │ └───index.tsx
│ │ ├───CategoryBar.scss
│ │ └───index.tsx
│ ├───Header/
│ │ ├───Header.scss
│ │ └───index.tsx
│ └───ProgressionBar/
│ ├───index.tsx
│ └───ProgressionBar.scss
│ ├───App.scss
│ ├───App.test.tsx
│ └───App.tsx
│ ├───actions/
│ │ ├───categoryActions.tsx
│ │ ├───modalActions.tsx
│ │ └───todoActions.tsx
│ ├───reducers/
│ │ ├───categoryReducer.tsx
│ │ ├───index.tsx
│ │ ├───modalReducer.tsx
│ │ └───todoReducer.tsx
│ └───store.tsx
- I was kind of getting out of the standard convention of folder structuring in a React App when grouping several components to
folder and some onLowerPart
. The reason behind this way thinking of mine is basically I visually realized the UI seperates the application into two parts and I decided to make my life easier when navigating around between components, so on and so fort.
- In this project, I decided to use
React Functional-based Components
since it is the new innovative way of developing React apps due toReact Hooks
new features, then I chose to implementTypescript
into development procedure, see how it would go and I have to say it was interesting but at the same time causing me some hipcups here and there with all the types declaration ( which lead to the delay of this project submission and I would like to send you the sincerest apology ). The last and the most important cog in my machine to be able to functionalize it isRedux
, nothing special but basic,Action Creators
,Action Dispatch
all combine together by astore
then executed and consumed by the help from our friendreact-redux
library withuseSelector
. In addition, SCSS pre-processor was implemented for overall styling andstyled-components
package also has been used slightly.
- Throughout the procedure of developing the Application, I had my chance to review the knowledge of React that I've once known and got my fingers dirty with getting off the learning curves of the new features of
React Hooks
(since the last time I've usedReact
,Class-based components
with life-cycle is the only way to managing application states).
- There will possibly some performance issues if this app scale up and getting more features but so far nothing was noticed.
- Some of the actions could be more cleverly improve with the help of
, unfortunately, I was unable to setting it up withTypescript
. - Responsive for mobile does not perfectly behave as the PC version.
- Unit testing has not been implemented to the project yet.