A micro collection of unity3d utils for me and by me.
It contains heap
MinHeap<int[]> minHeap = new MinHeap<int[]>(Comparer<int[]>.Create((a, b) => { return a[0] - b[0];}));
it can work in .NET 4.8 but can't work in some Unity Editor
It can check daily function, such as daily login, daily bonus, daily puzzle
int CheckDaily(DateTime now, DateTime last)
bool IsNewDay(DateTime now, DateTime last)
It's about bit operation
int SetBit(this int A, int k, bool val)
bool GetBit(this int A, int k)
string ToBinaryString(this int A, char sep = ',')
It's extension based on LINQ
string ToOneLineString()
T RandomOne<T>()
T RandomSome<T>()
It can add buttons in Inspector panel in Unity3D with attribute.
public class Test : MonoBehaviour { [Button] public void PrintName() { Debug.Log(name); } }
It can rename the field which showed in Inspector panel.
public enum EColor { [Rename("红色")] A, [Rename("黄色")] B, [Rename("蓝色")] C } public class Test : MonoBehaviour { [Rename("年龄")] public int Age; [Rename("颜色")] [SerializeField] private EColor color; }