Regular expression implementation.
Supports . ( ) | * + ?. No escapes.
regexp is a side project I wrote when learning Compilers. It's a command line tool for simplified regular expression matching which converts the regular expression into an NFA and simulates the NFA using Thompson's algorithm.
To try out regexp, clone (or download) this repo and compile the source locally.
regexp uses GNU Make to control the generation of executable and gcc as the C compiler.
# Get the repo
$ git clone
# Compile to executable with optimizations
$ make release
The executable will be located in the bin/
folder and named regexp
regexp uses cmocka for unit-testing and Valgrind for detecting memory management bugs.
- Run the unit tests
$ make tests
- Check for memory-related bugs
$ make valgrind
- Run the command line tests
# Give permission on execution
$ chmod +x
# Run CLI tests on release (or debug) build
$ ./ --release # --debug
Get the help message,
$ bin/regexp -h # or --help
Usage: regexp [-h] [-V] {-g regexp [-o FILE] | [-c] regexp string}
Description: Regular expression implementation.
Supports . ( ) | * + ?. No escapes.
Compiles to NFA and then simulates NFA using Thompson's algorithm.
One can either match a string (default) or graph the regexp.
See the following options.
Notice that character # can't appear in the regular expression,
it's reserved technically as the special character.
-h, --help Shows this help message and exit
-V, --version Shows regexp version and exit
Match mode:
Matches the string with the regular expression,
exits with 1 if regexp is ill-formed or it does not match
-c, --cache Caches NFA states to build DFA on the fly
regexp The regular expression to use on matching
string The string to be matched
Graph mode:
Converts the regular expression into a graph,
exits with 1 if regexp is ill-formed or the file can't be opened
-g, --graph Converts the NFA of the regexp into a Graphviz
dot file (default: False)
-o FILE, --output FILE
The name of the dot file.
A .dot extension is appended automatically
(default: nfa)
regexp The regular expression to be converted
Written by: Lai-YT
regexp version: 1.0.3
This is the default mode.
regexp takes two arguments: a regular expression and a string to match.
$ bin/regexp '(a|b)*abb' 'bababb'
This exits with 0 if the string is matched by the regular expression or 1 if the regular expression is ill-formed or too long.
You can check the exit code with the following command if you're on an Unix shell.
$ echo $?
"In a sense, Thompson's NFA simulation is executing the equivalent DFA by reconstructing each DFA state as it is needed. Rather than throw away this work after each step, we could cache them, avoiding the cost of repeating the computation in the future and essentially computing the equivalent DFA as it is needed." (Russ Cox, see Acknowledgments)
regexp doesn't cache the states by default.
Set the --cache
(or -c
) option to enable the caching.
$ bin/regexp -c '(a|b)*abb' 'bababb'
regexp uses Graphviz to graph the NFA of a regular expression. It represents the NFA with the DOT language.
By setting the --graph
(or -g
) option, you can use the graph mode. This takes a single regular expression as an argument.
- Convert the NFA of a regular expression into a DOT file,
$ bin/regexp --graph '(a|b)*abb'
By default, the DOT file is written into
- You can also specify the output file with the
) option, which takes a file as an argument.
$ bin/regexp --graph '(a|b)*abb' --output 'some/path/and/filename'
This will then write the graph into some/path/and/
A .dot
extension is always append to the you given.
- After the DOT file is generated, you can convert it into a PNG image with Graphviz.
$ dot -Tpng -o nfa.png
The numbering of the states is related to the order of their creations.
See the command line documentation of Graphviz to learn more.
Run regex with debug messages and less optimizations (-O0
$ make debug
There are several other make targets to use.
$ make help
Target rules:
debug - Compiles and generates binary file with
debug messages and less optimizations
release - Compiles and generates optimized binary file
tests - Compiles with cmocka and runs test binary file
valgrind - Runs test binary file using valgrind tool
fmt - Formats the source and test files
tidy - Checks naming conventions and bug-proneness
clean - Cleans the project by removing binaries
help - Prints a help message with target rules
regex matches strings with regular expressions in 3 steps:
- The regular expression is converted into a parenthesis-free postfix notation using the
operator to make concatenations explicit. This is implemented in re2post.c. - The postfixed regular expression is converted into a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) using Thompson's algorithm. This step is implemented in post2nfa.c.
- Reads in the input string character by character and walks along the NFA. If it stops at the accepting state when the entire string has been read, the string is considered a match. This step is implemented in regexp.c.
By breaking down the process into these 3 steps, regexp is able to efficiently match strings with regular expressions.
β Makefile
β ...
β regexp
β regexp_test_runner
β main.c
β regexp.h
β regexp.c
β ...
β main.c
β regexp.h
β regexp.c
β ...
β main.o
β regexp.o
β ...
: executablessrc/
: source filestest/
: test fileslib/
: object fileslog/
: output message of Valgrind
There aren't any prefix or postfix on the filename of test files.
regexp uses ClangFormat as formatting tool.
Format source and test codes,
$ make fmt
regexp uses Clang-Tidy as the linter, which checks naming conventions and several bug-proneness.
Check naming conventions and bug-proneness,
$ make tidy
I would like to express my gratitude to Russ Cox for his inspiring work, which motivated me to embark on this project. His webpage on regular expression matching has been a valuable reference, demonstrating that simplicity can indeed be fast.
I would also like to thank Alfred Aho at el. for their excellent book on compilers, which has guided me through the implementation of the algorithms used in this project. Without their clear and insightful explanations, this project would not have been possible.
- Cox, Russ. "Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast,", 2007
- Aho, Alfred V., Sethi, Ravi, Ullman, Jeffrey D. "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools," 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2006, pp. 147-166
This project is licensed under the MIT License. However, if any individual file within the project includes its own copyright claim, that claim should be respected and take precedence over the project-wide license.
They are still guaranteed to be licensed under the MIT License but with different authors.