We fix LVR (loss versus rebalancing, esp. wrt CEX) in Uniswap v4 pools by distributing the arbitrage MEV back to LPs. We achieve this with v4 hooks that utilise external SUAVE calls to run credible second-bid (Vickery) auctions for top-of-block swap rights.
- Achieve a mechanism that would lead to redistributing a maximum amount of LVR MEV back to LPs without rendering the DEX unresponsive or otherwise unattractive
Fixing LVR (loss versus rebalancing, esp. wrt CEX) in Uniswap v4 pools works by requiring arbitrageurs (Arbers) to bid for first transaction rights in a block for a particular pool they are getting extra MEV from. Fees collected from auctioning first execution rights are then redistributed back to LPs by donating to the pools the MEV was collected from.
We achieve this by using SUAVE: We run a SUAPP in a TEE to credibly offer private second-bid (Vickery) auctions for top-of-block swap rights. The winning bidder of the auction is furnished with a signed TEE attestation by the SUAPP which is then provided alongside the swap data to the Uniswap V4 pool. Preswap hooks check for the validity of this attestation and enforce appropriate ordering during the block building process.
Our SUAVE trusted execution environments can now run credible auctions for any chain; bidders submit private bids in proximity to the block creation deadline of the chain they want to execute an arb swap on. Payment for the bids is provided ahead of time to a contract which acts as a deposit registry. The contract stores funds for Arbers allowing them to bid on multiple auctions on different pools without explicitly providing a different deposits each time. Funds are only taken from Arber deposits when they win the right to have preferential transaction inclusion in a block; such accumulating proceeds may then be re-distributed to the LPs of the pool, by anyone.
The SUAVE auction resolves quickly, providing a signed message to the winner which can then be passed to the Uniswap V4 pool as additional hookData accompanying their swap transaction. A v4 pre-swap hook then verifies the validity of the signed message data and compares it to the swap that has been submitted. If valid, an execution ordering condition is imposed on successful execution of transactions for this pool, resulting in adequate ordering created by block builders.
- Block builders will bundle (knapsack problem) mempool transactions into an ordering that actually puts the special arb-swap transaction from the auction winner first within all pool transactions for said block ("pool-top-of-block") because it's the only ordering that doesn't lead to a revert
- This will be particularly non-problematic if the system attracts enough traffic to be seen by block builers who would render their algorithms aware of the auction-winning mechanism
- Multiple parallel simulations should result in the valid combination becoming readily apparent even without explicit ordering suggestions sent to the builders.
- There will be MEV potential so more sophisticated actors will submit non-zero bids close to the block deadline
- Timing needs to be in sync between the settlement layer and SUAVE
- If no traffic/interest, no bid will be submitted and the DEX will be blocked for a block - but this will result in a larger deviation from the real price, increasing the LVR value and increasing the chances that an actor would submit a bid
- If still no traffic, we could run an altruistic bot to every now and then submit a special zero-value bid to unlock the DEX
- Given sufficient "critical mass", the credible second-bid auction will lead to most of the LVR EV being reflected in the auction proceeds, therefore making execution more equitable and closer to a CEX experience
- In order to maximise the redistributable LVR value, the SUAVE auction needs to be finalised as close to the next settlement layer (ultimately, Ethereum) block proposal deadline (currently expected to be t=4s within a slot) as possible in order to be able to leave the "real" (CEX) market the maximum time to potentially move away from the "stale" DEX state, but without risking missing the deadline too much. We'd therefore start by having the SUAVE auction finalise e.g. 500 ms before the block deadline, then benchmark and adjust if needed. To achieve that, we might have to run a custom instantiation of the SUAVE blockchain running at a precise phase offset (500 ms) wrt Ethereum, e.g. exactly three SUAVE blocks per one Ethereum block (Rigil is currently sealing blocks at 4s block time (not sure about the phase), but using the non-time-precise Clique POA that will be subject to change by Flashbots soon).
Requires foundry:
forge install
See ./test, run with forge test
# start anvil with TSTORE support
# (`foundryup`` to update if cancun is not an option)
anvil --hardfork cancun
# in a new terminal
forge script script/Anvil.s.sol \
--rpc-url http://localhost:8545 \
--private-key 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 \
Note: Both Ethereum Goerli and Ethereum Sepolia are NOT supported by Uniswap v4 currently.
However, we were able to deploy our hook, create a pool, add liquidity and swap successfully using Arbitrum Sepolia.
Further testnets presumed to be functional (as of 17 March 2024):
- PoolManager deployed to 0xE5dF461803a59292c6c03978c17857479c40bc46
- PoolModifyLiquidityTest deployed to 0xd962b16F4ec712D705106674E944B04614F077be
- PoolSwapTest deployed to 0x5bA874E13D2Cf3161F89D1B1d1732D14226dBF16
- PoolManager deployed to 0xd962b16F4ec712D705106674E944B04614F077be
- PoolModifyLiquidityTest deployed to 0x5bA874E13D2Cf3161F89D1B1d1732D14226dBF16
- PoolSwapTest deployed to 0x60AbEb98b3b95A0c5786261c1Ab830e3D2383F9e
- PoolManager deployed to 0xb673AE03413860776497B8C9b3E3F8d4D8745cB3
- PoolModifyLiquidityTest deployed to 0x862Fa52D0c8Bca8fBCB5213C9FEbC49c87A52912
- PoolSwapTest deployed to 0x30654C69B212AD057E817EcA26da6c5edA32E2E7
- PoolManager deployed to 0xf3A39C86dbd13C45365E57FB90fe413371F65AF8
- PoolModifyLiquidityTest deployed to 0xFDABa2b9C369C25f5834334612c0855497942788
- PoolSwapTest deployed to 0x76870DEbef0BE25589A5CddCe9B1D99276C73B4e
- PoolManager deployed to 0x615bCf3371F7daF8E8f7d26db10e12F0F4830C94
- PoolModifyLiquidityTest deployed to 0x3A0c2cF7c40A7B417AE9aB6ccBF60e86d8437395
- PoolSwapTest deployed to 0x3D5e538D212b05bc4b3F70520189AA3dEA588B1E
To deploy to a testnet, run scripts from ./script, e.g.:
forge script script/00_BidRegistry.s.sol \
--rpc-url https://sepolia-rollup.arbitrum.io/rpc \
--private-key [your_private_key_on_separbitrum_here] \
Because v4 is still in testing mode, most networks don't have liquidity pools live on v4 testnets. We recommend launching your own test tokens and expirementing with them that:
forge create script/mocks/mUNI.sol:MockUNI \
--rpc-url [your_rpc_url_here] \
--private-key [your_private_key_here]
forge create script/mocks/mUSDC.sol:MockUSDC \
--rpc-url [your_rpc_url_here] \
--private-key [your_private_key_here]
When installing dependencies with forge install
, Github may throw a Permission Denied
Typically caused by missing Github SSH keys, and can be resolved by following the steps here
Or adding the keys to your ssh-agent, if you have already uploaded SSH keys
Hook deployment failures are caused by incorrect flags or incorrect salt mining
- Verify the flags are in agreement:
returns the correct flagsflags
provided toHookMiner.find(...)
- Verify salt mining is correct:
- In forge test: the deployer for:
new Hook{salt: salt}(...)
andHookMiner.find(deployer, ...)
are the same. This will beaddress(this)
. If usingvm.prank
, the deployer will be the pranking address - In forge script: the deployer must be the CREATE2 Proxy:
- If anvil does not have the CREATE2 deployer, your foundry may be out of date. You can update it with
- If anvil does not have the CREATE2 deployer, your foundry may be out of date. You can update it with
- In forge test: the deployer for:
v4-periphery contains advanced hook implementations that serve as a great reference
- Token1 LVRST1: https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/token/0xa47757c742f4177de4eea192380127f8b62455f5
- Token2 LVRST2: https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/token/0xfda93151f6146f763d3a80ddb4c5c7b268469465
- BidRegistry: https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0xa43e520783230a2347946EAC7946A92a8379781c (cf. LvrShield.sol)
- LvrShield hook: https://sepolia.arbiscan.io/address/0x030eF8F38E149C7954B481208a2305F9D6B82E8e (cf. 01-03 scripts)
- PoolID:
- SUAVE contract: https://explorer.rigil.suave.flashbots.net/address/0x54a4dDa9CE124774aEaEDb9056fD14f98b55AFFC
- Token1 LVRST1: https://testnet.chiliscan.com/address/0xFDA93151f6146f763D3A80Ddb4C5C7B268469465
- Token2 LVRST2: https://testnet.chiliscan.com/address/0xf64aC019e25d8a51AB1284920A75E5C342291786
- Arbitrum-Sepolia RPC sometimes throws this error:
It looks like you're trying to fork from an older block with a non-archive node which is not supported. Please try to change your RPC url to an archive node if the issue persists.
. Workaround: Just re-run the deployment script. - Uniswap docs: Uniswap/docs#676 (URL fix).
- Chiliz Spicy requires an older solidity version (we used 0.8.0), legacy (non-1559) tx, and doesn't seem to support CREATE2 which is our dependency (for Uniswap v4 hook addressing); deployment gas fees seem quite high, too.
This solidity smart contract, BidRegistry
, is designed to facilitate the registration and management of bids in a decentralized auction environment. It allows users to deposit funds, register bids, and claim priority ordering within the auction. The contract interfaces with Uniswap V4 contracts for liquidity provisioning.
Initializes the contract with the address of the auction master and hooks.
Allows updating the address of the auction master.
Allows updating the address of the hooks.
Registers a new pool with the specified parameters.
depositAndClaimOrdering(address v4Contract, PoolId id, address user, address token, uint256 amount, uint256 blockNumber, bytes memory sig)
Deposits funds and claims priority ordering for a user within a specified pool.
claimPriorityOrdering(address v4Contract, PoolId id, address user, address token, uint256 amount, uint256 blockNumber, bytes memory sig)
Claims priority ordering for a user within a specified pool.
hasSufficientFundsToPayforOrdering(address v4Contract, PoolId id, address user, address token, uint256 amount)
Checks if a user has sufficient funds to pay for the claimed ordering.
Checks if a user is the owner of priority ordering within a specified pool.
Deposits funds into the contract for a user within a specified pool.
Withdraws idle funds for a user within a specified pool.
Enriches liquidity providers by donating funds to the specified Uniswap V4 pool.
Recovers the signer of a message given the hash and signature.
Splits a signature into its components.
createBidDigest(address v4Contract, address user, PoolId id, uint256 blockNumber, uint256 amountOfBid)
Creates a digest for a bid.
Checks if the token supplied is valid for the specified pool.
Creates a pool key for a Uniswap V4 pool based on the tokens provided.
The LvrShield
solidity smart contract provides functionalities to manage liquidity provision in Uniswap V4 pools, specifically focusing on swap operations. It serves as a hook contract, implementing certain actions before and after swap operations.
Initializes the contract with the provided IPoolManager
Returns the hook permissions specifying the allowed actions for this contract.
beforeSwap(address sender, PoolKey calldata key, IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata swapParams, bytes calldata hookData)
Executes actions before a swap operation, including checking if it's the top of the block swap and if the auction for priority ordering was won.
afterSwap(address, PoolKey calldata key, IPoolManager.SwapParams calldata, BalanceDelta, bytes calldata)
Executes actions after a swap operation, updating the block swap counter.
The Auction
solidity smart contract facilitates the management of auctions for Uniswap V4 pools. It enables users to submit bids, settle auctions, and perform various utility functions related to auctions. This contract integrates with the Suave framework for confidential transactions.
Initializes the contract with the provided registry address and settlement chain RPC.
Callback function for confidential constructor, initializes the contract with private key data.
Callback function for submitting a bid, emits a BidSubmitted
Callback function for settling an auction, emits an AuctionSettled
submitBid(address pool, bytes32 poolId, uint64 blockNumber, uint bidAmount) public returns (bytes memory)
Allows a user to submit a bid for an auction.
checkSufficientFundsLocked(address pool, bytes32 poolId, address user, uint bidAmount) public view returns (bool)
Checks if a user has sufficient funds locked for placing a bid.
settleAuction(address pool, bytes32 poolId, uint64 blockNumber, uint nextSlot) public returns (bytes memory)
Setstles an auction for the specified pool and parameters.
Converts a slot number to a corresponding block number.
Calculates the timestamp for a given slot.
Signs a bid using the private key.
Fetches all bids for the specified pool and block number.
Stores the private key securely.
Retrieves the stored private key.
- Re-enable the block number check (per pool-top-of-block auction winner) in ./src/LvrShield and use a proper settlement-layer block number in SUAVE; disabled currently as:
- Uniswap v4 isn't deployable to Ethereum (Sepolia) due to contract storage out of gas issues, so we temporarily use a fast-blocktime L2 (Arbitrum Sepolia) for testing
- Getting cross-network time-syncing (precise phase offset) right is non-trivial, in particular with the currently deploye Clique PoA on SUAVE; it will probably require a re-instantiation of SUAVE, too
- Support special zero-value bid type (towards unlocking a potentially stuck DEX during low-traffic periods)
- Consider requiring an additional stake that can be slashed if a winning bidder doesn't actually provide a swap (on time), thus blocking the DEX for the block in question
Bounty tracks:
- Hooks & External Integrations
- External calls to SUAVE for credible second-bid auctioning from within a v4 before-swap hook
- Top-of-block (per pool) logic via a v4 after-swap hook
- Submitted as https://uniswaphooks.com/hooks/hook/d96453a2-14ce-4172-ac48-5279e4257e48 (under review)
Bounty tracks:
- Offchain Auction Protocol
- Second-bid (Vickery) auction for top-of-block per v4 pool
- Most Unique Offchain App
- HTTP requests to align SUAVE with v4's settlement layer (e.g. Arbitrum Sepolia)
Bounty tracks:
- MEV innovation
- Auction mechanism to redistribute parts of MEV (parts of LVR) back to pool LPs
- Institutional blockchain solutions
- Make LP-ing on a DEX more attractive for sophisticated players able to follow CEX price feeds in near-time and reflect their EV in the (sealed second-bid) auction bidding strategy when bidding for top-of-block rights — while making LP-ing more equitable and predictive overall
Bountry tracks:
- Qualifying Arbitrum Submissions
- Arbitrum One (Sepolia) deployment
Bountry tracks:
- Pool Prize
- Spicy Chiliz testnet deployment