A grpc API that provides persistent storage for the Automotive Grade Linux demo, developed by d-fine.
- Overview
- API Specification
- Example Tree
- Setup Instructions
- Remote Procedure Call Usage
- How to Contribute
The AGL Persistent Storage API is a grpc API for AGL that serves as persistent storage API for the demo. The API is written in Rust and makes use of tonic for grpc functionality as well as RocksDB as a database backend, using rust-rocksdb. Use cases include retaining settings over a system shutdown (e.g. audio, HVAC, profile data, Wifi settings, radio presets, metric vs imperial units).
The most important hardware consideration for this project is that the AGL demo runs on embedded hardware with flash storage, so we want to minimize number of write operations. This impacts the choice of database; we have chosen to work with RocksDB as it is well-suited for embedded computing and tunable with respect to write amplification. In principle the API is flexible with respect to database used (pluggable backends), but only RocksDB is implemented. This API is part of the AGL demo as of release 'Royal Ricefish'.
The AGL Persistent Storage API is constructed using a layered architecture:
- Controller layer: translates proto calls to service calls.
- Service layer: communicates with the controller and facade layers, implements the business logic
- Facade layer: implements RocksDB.
By default, the API can be accessed through port 50054. This can be changed in main.rs. The RocksDB database files are stored in directory AGLPersistentStorageAPI, located in the home directory of your system. This can be changed in service.rs.
The rpcs described below interact with keys belonging to specific namespaces. This feature enables applications to maintain private namespaces within the same database. Not specifying a namespace when calling the API will result in the default namespace "" being used. Alternatively, a specific namespace (e.g. "AppName") can be chosen. With the exception of DestroyDB, which acts on the entire database, all rpcs can only interact with one namespace at a time.
DestroyDB() -> StandardResponse(success: boolean, message: string)
Consumer wants to destroy the entire database.
DestroyDB() -> //destroys entire database.
Write(key: string, value: string, namespace: string) -> StandardResponse(success: boolean, message: string)
Consumer wants to save key + value to a given namespace (default is ""), (e.g. 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation':'hr5').
This overwrites existing value under key.
An empty string cannot be used as a key.
Write('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation':'wdr 4') -> Response Write('Vehicle.Infotainment':'yes') -> Response Write('test':'1') -> Response Write('':'test') -> Error Write(key: 'Private.Info', value: 'test', namespace: 'AppName') -> Response
Read(key: string, namespace: string) -> ReadResponse(success: boolean, message: string, value: string)
Consumer wants to read value of existing key in a given namespace (default is ""), e.g. 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation':
Read('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation') -> 'wdr 4' Read('Vehicle.doesNotExist') -> ERROR Read(key: 'Private.Info', namespace: 'AppName') -> 'test'
Delete(key: string, namespace: string) -> StandardResponse(success: boolean, message: string)
Consumer wants to delete an existing key + value from a given namespace (default is ""), e.g. 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation':
Delete('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation') -> Response Delete('Vehicle.doesNotExist') -> ERROR Delete(key: 'Private.Info', namespace: 'AppName') -> Response
Search(key: string, namespace: string) -> ListResponse(success: boolean, message: string, keys: repeated string)
Consumer wants to list all keys that contain key in a given namespace (default is ""), e.g. 'Radio'
Search('Radio') -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Communication.Radio.Volume') Search('Info') -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature') Search('nt.Rad') -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation') Search('') -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature', 'Vehicle.Communication.Radio.Volume') Search(key: '', namespace: 'AppName') -> ('Private.Info')
DeleteNodes(key: string, namespace: string) -> StandardResponse(success: boolean, message: string)
Consumer wants to delete all keys located in the subtree with root key, within the given namespace (default is ""), e.g. 'Vehicle.Infotainment'
key = ''
This rpc assumes that keys follow a VSS-like tree structure. key must be the full name of an existing node.
DeleteNodes('Vehicle.Infotainment') -> Response //deletes ('Vehicle.Infotainment', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature') DeleteNodes('Vehicle') -> Response //deletes ('Vehicle.Infotainment', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature', 'Vehicle.Communication.Radio.Volume') DeleteNodes('') -> ERROR DeleteNodes('DoesNotExist') -> ERROR DeleteNodes('Vehic') -> ERROR DeleteNodes(key: 'Private', namespace: 'AppName') -> Response //deletes ('Private.Info')
ListNodes(node: string, layers: optional int, namespace: string) -> ListResponse(boolean, message, repeated string keys)
Consumer wants to list all nodes located in the subtree with root node exactly layers layers deep, within the given namespace (default is "") , e.g. 'Vehicle.Infotainment'
layers = 0
lists all keys that start in node any number of layers deep -
default value is 1 -
node = ''
returns top-level root node(s) -
This rpc assumes that keys follow a VSS-like tree structure. node must be the full name of an existing node.
ListNodes('Vehicle.Infotainment', 1) -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC') ListNodes('Vehicle.Infotainment', 2) -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature') ListNodes('Vehicle', 0) -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature', 'Vehicle.Communication.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment') ListNodes('', 0) -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.CurrentStation', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC.OutdoorTemperature', 'Vehicle.Communication.Radio.Volume', 'Vehicle.Infotainment', 'test') ListNodes('Vehicle.Infotainment') -> ('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio', 'Vehicle.Infotainment.HVAC') ListNodes('', 1) -> ('Vehicle', 'test') ListNodes('Vehicle.Infotainment.Radio.Volume', 1) -> () ListNodes('Vehicle', -1) -> ERROR ListNodes('Vehicle.DoesNotExist', 1) -> ERROR ListNodes(key: 'Private', namespace: 'AppName') -> ('Private.Info') For empty data base: ListNodes('', 1) -> ()
Note: nodes marked by * are keys (and therefore have a value)
Namespace: ""
- Vehicle
- Infotainment *
- Radio
- CurrentStation *
- Volume *
- OutdoorTemperature *
- Radio
- Communication
- Radio
- Volume *
- Radio
- Infotainment *
- test *
Namespace: "AppName"
- Private
- Info *
Install rust.
Install the Protobuf Compiler, e.g. by downloading the latest pre-built binary for your system here and following the installation instructions included in the readme. Be sure to add your Protobuf installation to your PATH. See also the general Protobuf installation instructions.
Install a clang compiler, e.g. by downloading the latest pre-built LLVM binary for your system here and adding the LIBCLANG_PATH variable to your environment.
Build application.
cargo build
Run tests.
cargo test
Start server.
cargo run --release --bin server
To ensure your API is working as expected, start the API server and attempt to send a remote procedure call, e.g. using grpcurl. Some examples are provided here:
DestroyDB: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/DestroyDB
Write: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "foo", "value": "foobar", "namespace": "bar"}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/Write
Read: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/Read
Delete: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/Delete
Search: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/Search
DeleteNodes: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/DeleteNodes
ListNodes: docker run --net=host fullstorydev/grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"node": "foo", "layers": 1, "namespace": "bar"}' localhost:50054 storage_api.Database/ListNodes
Alternatively, you can use Insomnia to manually send remote procedure calls to the API, following the instructions provided in the Insomnia documentation. For each procedure call, an example is given below:
DestroyDB: {}
Write: {"key": "foo", "value": "foobar", "namespace": "bar"}
Read: {"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}
Delete: {"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}
Search: {"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}
DeleteNodes: {"key": "foo", "namespace": "bar"}
ListNodes: {"node": "foo", "layers": 1, "namespace": "bar"}
If you would like to contribute to the further development of the AGL Persistent Storage API, please check out our Contributing Guide