In my future projects I will only use TypeScript! I have been convinced!
- Visit the website and try it out:
- React
- Node.js
- Finally I have started to build a multiplayer-website. You send the given link to a friend. This link connects both players to a private Gaming-Room. Only Two-Player-Games ( for the moment ). First game: Mini-Racer game. The signaling is handled by Styling and more features are coming soon!
- See the little Webshop-Website on Github pages:
- React
- Context API
- Just a side project. Making a little, simple Webshop. State Mangement with React Context. Shop, order overview, delivery and billing address, paying method, order confirmation. Responsive design.
- Play the game on
- Classical shoot'em up game. Great way to implement all the features of a programming language.
- Little CRUD-APP to make notes.
- Tech Stack: Express, React, PostgreSQL
- A little web scraper, to extract data from e.g. Wikipedia
- Tech Stack: Node, Cheerio