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expose ScopedProgram in the API
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gares committed Nov 21, 2024
1 parent 3074bd4 commit 3717d0d
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Showing 7 changed files with 67 additions and 99 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Requires Menhir 20211230 and OCaml 4.08 or above.
- Change the pipeline completely to make unit relocation unnecessary. Current
phases are (roughly):
1. `Ast.program`[`RecoverStructure`]—> `Ast.Structured.program`
2. `Ast.Structured.program`[`Scope`,`Quotation`,`Macro`]—> `Scoped.program`
2. `Ast.Structured.program`[`Scope`,`Quotation`,`Macro`]—> `Scoped.program` (aka `API.Compile.scoped_program`)
3. `Scoped.program`[`Flatten`]—> `Flat.program`
4. `Flat.program`[`Check`]—> `CheckedFlat.program` (aka `compilation_unit`)
4. `Flat.program`[`Check`]—> `CheckedFlat.program` (aka `API.Compile.compilation_unit`)
5. `CheckedFlat.program`[`Spill`,`ToDbl`]—> `Assembled.program`

Steps 4 and 5 operate on a base, that is an `Assembled.program` being
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ let usage =
"\t-parse-term parses a term from standard input and prints it\n" ^
"\t-print-ast prints files as parsed, then exit\n" ^
"\t-print prints files after most compilation passes, then exit\n" ^
"\t-print-passes prints intermediate data during compilation, then exit\n" ^
"\t-print-units prints compilation units data, then exit\n"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +102,6 @@ let _ =
| "-exec" :: goal :: rest -> batch := true; exec := goal; eat_options rest
| "-print" :: rest -> print_lprolog := true; eat_options rest
| "-print-ast" :: rest -> print_ast := true; eat_options rest
| "-print-passes" :: rest -> print_passes := true; eat_options rest
| "-print-units" :: rest -> print_units := true; eat_options rest
| "-parse-term" :: rest -> parse_term := true; eat_options rest
| "-document-builtins" :: rest -> doc_builtins := true; eat_options rest
Expand All @@ -129,7 +127,6 @@ let _ =
let paths = tjpath @ installpath @ [execpath] @ !extra_paths in
let flags = {
API.Compile.defined_variables = !vars;
API.Compile.print_passes = !print_passes;
API.Compile.print_units = !print_units;
} in
if !doc_infix then begin
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ module Compile = struct
type program = Compiler.program
type query = Compiler.query
type executable = ED.executable
type scoped_program = Compiler.scoped_program
type compilation_unit = Compiler.checked_compilation_unit
type compilation_unit_signature = Compiler.checked_compilation_unit_signature
exception CompileError = Compiler_data.CompileError
Expand All @@ -183,13 +184,14 @@ module Compile = struct

type flags = Compiler.flags = {
defined_variables : StrSet.t;
print_passes : bool;
print_units : bool;
let default_flags = Compiler.default_flags
let optimize = Compiler.optimize_query
let scope ?(flags=Compiler.default_flags) ~elpi:{ Setup.header } a =
Compiler.scoped_of_ast ~flags ~header a
let unit ?(flags=Compiler.default_flags) ~elpi:{ Setup.header } ~base ?builtins x =
Compiler.unit_of_ast ~flags ~header ?builtins x |> Compiler.check_unit ~base
Compiler.unit_of_scoped ~flags ~header ?builtins x |> Compiler.check_unit ~base

let extend ?(flags=Compiler.default_flags) ~base u = Compiler.append_unit ~flags ~base u
let signature u = Compiler.signature_of_checked_compilation_unit u
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/API.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,8 +241,6 @@ module Compile : sig
type flags = {
(* variables used in conditional compilation, that is :if clauses *)
defined_variables : StrSet.t;
(* debug: print intermediate data during the compilation phase *)
print_passes : bool;
(* debug: print compilation units *)
print_units : bool;
Expand All @@ -267,8 +265,8 @@ module Compile : sig
val program : ?flags:flags -> elpi:Setup.elpi -> Ast.program list -> program

(* separate compilation API: units are marshalable and closed w.r.t.
the host application (eg quotations are desugared).
(* separate compilation API: scoped_programs and units are marshalable and
closed w.r.t. the host application (eg quotations are desugared).
- macros and shorten directives part of a unit are not visible in other
Expand All @@ -278,10 +276,13 @@ module Compile : sig
- types, type abbreviations and mode declarations from the units are
merged at assembly time
type scoped_program
val scope : ?flags:flags -> elpi:Setup.elpi -> Ast.program -> scoped_program

type compilation_unit
type compilation_unit_signature
val empty_base : elpi:Setup.elpi -> program
val unit : ?flags:flags -> elpi:Setup.elpi -> base:program -> ?builtins:Setup.builtins list -> Ast.program -> compilation_unit
val unit : ?flags:flags -> elpi:Setup.elpi -> base:program -> ?builtins:Setup.builtins list -> scoped_program -> compilation_unit
val extend : ?flags:flags -> base:program -> compilation_unit -> program

(* only adds the types/modes from the compilation unit, not its code *)
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133 changes: 49 additions & 84 deletions src/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,14 +16,12 @@ let error = Compiler_data.error

type flags = {
defined_variables : StrSet.t;
print_passes : bool;
print_units : bool;
[@@deriving show]

let default_flags = {
defined_variables = StrSet.empty;
print_passes = false;
print_units = false;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,6 +373,12 @@ type program = {


type scoped_program = {
version : string;
code : Scoped.program;
[@@deriving show]

type unchecked_compilation_unit = {
version : string;
code : Flat.program;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -780,7 +784,7 @@ let get_mtm, set_mtm, drop_mtm, update_mtm =

module Scope_Quotation_Macro : sig

val run : State.t -> toplevel_macros:macro_declaration -> Ast.Structured.program -> State.t * Scoped.program
val run : State.t -> toplevel_macros:macro_declaration -> Ast.Structured.program -> Scoped.program
val check_duplicate_mode : F.t -> (mode * Loc.t) -> (mode * Loc.t) F.Map.t -> unit
val scope_loc_term : state:State.t -> Ast.Term.t -> ScopedTerm.t

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1059,7 +1063,7 @@ end = struct
let body = scope_loc_term ~state:(set_mtm state { empty_mtm with macros = m }) body in
F.Map.add name (body,loc) am, F.Map.add name (body,loc) m

let run state ~toplevel_macros p : State.t * Scoped.program =
let run state ~toplevel_macros p : Scoped.program =

let rec compile_program omacros state { Ast.Structured.macros; kinds; types; type_abbrevs; modes; body } =
let toplevel_macros, active_macros = List.fold_left (compile_macro state) (F.Map.empty,omacros) macros in
Expand All @@ -1071,62 +1075,62 @@ end = struct
let defs_k = defs_of_map kinds in
let defs_t = defs_of_map types in
let defs_ta = defs_of_assoclist type_abbrevs in
let state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs_b, body =
let kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs_b, body =
compile_body active_macros kinds types type_abbrevs modes F.Set.empty state body in
let symbols = F.Set.(union (union (union (union defs_k defs_m) defs_t) defs_b) defs_ta) in
(state : State.t), toplevel_macros,
{ Scoped.types; kinds; type_abbrevs; modes; body; symbols }

and compile_body macros kinds types type_abbrevs (modes : (mode * Loc.t) F.Map.t) (defs : F.Set.t) state = function
| [] -> state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, []
| [] -> kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, []
| Clauses cl :: rest ->
let compiled_cl = (compile_clause state macros) cl in
let defs = F.Set.union defs (global_hd_symbols_of_clauses compiled_cl) in
let state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
let kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
compile_body macros kinds types type_abbrevs modes defs state rest in
let compiled_rest =
match compiled_rest with
| Scoped.Clauses l :: rest -> Scoped.Clauses (compiled_cl @ l) :: rest
| rest -> Scoped.Clauses compiled_cl :: rest in
state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest
kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest
| Namespace (prefix, p) :: rest ->
let prefix = prefix in
let state, _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
let _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
compile_body macros kinds types type_abbrevs modes defs state rest in
let symbols = prepend [prefix] p.Scoped.symbols in
state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, F.Set.union defs symbols,
kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, F.Set.union defs symbols,
Scoped.Namespace(prefix, p) :: compiled_rest
| Shorten(shorthands,p) :: rest ->
let shorts = List.fold_left (fun s { Ast.Structured.short_name } ->
F.Set.add short_name s) F.Set.empty shorthands in
let state, _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
let _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
compile_body macros kinds types type_abbrevs modes defs state rest in
state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes,
kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes,
F.Set.union defs (F.Set.diff p.Scoped.symbols shorts),
Scoped.Shorten(shorthands, p) :: compiled_rest
| Constraints ({ctx_filter; clique; rules}, p) :: rest ->
(* XXX missing check for nested constraints *)
let rules = (compile_chr_rule state macros) rules in
let state, _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
let _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
compile_body macros kinds types type_abbrevs modes defs state rest in
state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes,
kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes,
F.Set.union defs p.Scoped.symbols,
Scoped.Constraints({ctx_filter; clique; rules},p) :: compiled_rest
| Accumulated p :: rest ->
let state, _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
let _, p = compile_program macros state p in
let kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes, defs, compiled_rest =
compile_body macros kinds types type_abbrevs modes defs state rest in
state, kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes,
kinds, types, type_abbrevs, modes,
F.Set.union defs p.Scoped.symbols,
Scoped.Accumulated p :: compiled_rest

let state, toplevel_macros, pbody = compile_program toplevel_macros state p in
let toplevel_macros, pbody = compile_program toplevel_macros state p in
(* Printf.eprintf "run: %d\n%!" (F.Map.cardinal toplevel_macros); *)
state, { Scoped.pbody; toplevel_macros }
{ Scoped.pbody; toplevel_macros }


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2005,32 +2009,19 @@ end

(* Compiler passes *)
let unit_or_header_of_ast { print_passes } s ~toplevel_macros ~builtins p =

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== AST ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Ast.Program.pp p;

let scope s ~toplevel_macros p : scoped_program =
let p = s p in
let p = ~toplevel_macros s p in
version = "%%VERSION_NUM%%";
code = p;

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== Ast.Structured ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Ast.Structured.pp_program p;

let s, p = ~toplevel_macros s p in

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== Scoped ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Scoped.pp_program p;

let p = s p in

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== Flat ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Flat.pp_program p;

s, {
(* Compiler passes *)
let unit_or_header_of_scoped s ~builtins (p : scoped_program) : unchecked_compilation_unit =
assert ("%%VERSION_NUM%%" = p.version);
let p = s p.code in
version = "%%VERSION_NUM%%";
code = { p with builtins };
Expand All @@ -2047,12 +2038,6 @@ let assemble_unit ~flags ~header:(s,base) units : program =

let s, p = Assemble.extend flags s base units in

let { print_passes } = flags in

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== Assembled ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Assembled.pp_program p;

s, p

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2084,7 +2069,8 @@ let header_of_ast ~flags ~parser:p state_descriptor quotation_descriptor hoas_de (fun (_,decl) -> decl |> List.filter_map (function
| Data.BuiltInPredicate.MLCode (p,_) -> Some p
| _ -> None)) builtins in
let state, u = unit_or_header_of_ast ~toplevel_macros:F.Map.empty flags state ~builtins ast in
let scoped_ast = scope ~toplevel_macros:F.Map.empty state ast in
let u = unit_or_header_of_scoped state ~builtins scoped_ast in
print_unit flags u;
let base = Assembled.empty () in
let u = Check.check state ~base u in
Expand All @@ -2098,54 +2084,33 @@ let check_unit ~base:(st,base) u = Check.check st ~base u

let empty_base ~header:b = b

let unit_of_ast ~flags ~header:(s, u) ?(builtins=[]) p : unchecked_compilation_unit =
(* Printf.eprintf "unit_of_ast: %d\n%!" (F.Map.cardinal u.Assembled.toplevel_macros); *)
let scoped_of_ast ~flags:_ ~header:(s,u) p =
scope ~toplevel_macros:u.Assembled.signature.toplevel_macros s p

let unit_of_scoped ~flags ~header:(s, u) ?(builtins=[]) p : unchecked_compilation_unit =
let builtins =
List.flatten @@ (fun (_,decl) -> decl |> List.filter_map (function
| Data.BuiltInPredicate.MLCode (p,_) -> Some p
| _ -> error "Only BuiltInPredicate.MLCode allowed in units")) builtins in
let _, u = unit_or_header_of_ast flags s ~toplevel_macros:u.Assembled.signature.toplevel_macros ~builtins p in
let u = unit_or_header_of_scoped s ~builtins p in
print_unit flags u;

let append_unit ~flags ~base:(s,p) unit : program =
let s, p = Assemble.extend flags s p unit in
let { print_passes } = flags in

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== Assembled ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Assembled.pp_program p;

s, p
Assemble.extend flags s p unit

let append_unit_signature ~flags ~base:(s,p) unit : program =
let s, p = Assemble.extend_signature s p unit in
let { print_passes } = flags in

if print_passes then
Format.eprintf "== Assembled ================@\n@[<v 0>%a@]@\n"
Assembled.pp_program p;

s, p
Assemble.extend_signature s p unit

let program_of_ast ~flags ~header:((st, base) as header : State.t * Assembled.program) p : program =
let u = unit_of_ast ~flags ~header p in
let p = scoped_of_ast ~flags ~header p in
let u = unit_of_scoped ~flags ~header p in
let u = Check.check st ~base u in
assemble_unit ~flags ~header u

let total_type_checking_time { WithMain.total_type_checking_time = x } = x

(* let uvbodies_of_assignments assignments =
(* Clients may add spurious args that, not occurring in the query,
are not turned into uvars *)
let assignments = assignments |> StrMap.filter (fun _ -> function
| UVar _ | AppUVar _ -> true
| _ -> false) in
State.end_goal_compilation ( (function
| UVar(b,_,_) | AppUVar(b,_,_) -> b
| _ -> assert false) assignments) *)

let pp fmt ub =
R.Pp.uppterm 0 [] ~argsdepth:0 [||] fmt (D.mkUVar ub 0 0)

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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/compiler.mli
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ open Data

type flags = {
defined_variables : StrSet.t;
print_passes : bool; (* debug *)
print_units : bool; (* debug *)
val default_flags : flags
Expand All @@ -24,10 +23,13 @@ val header_of_ast : flags:flags -> parser:(module Parse.Parser) -> State.descrip
type program
val program_of_ast : flags:flags -> header:header -> Ast.Program.t -> program

type scoped_program
val scoped_of_ast : flags:flags -> header:header -> Ast.Program.t -> scoped_program

type checked_compilation_unit
type unchecked_compilation_unit
val empty_base : header:header -> program
val unit_of_ast : flags:flags -> header:header -> ?builtins:builtins list -> Ast.Program.t -> unchecked_compilation_unit
val unit_of_scoped : flags:flags -> header:header -> ?builtins:builtins list -> scoped_program -> unchecked_compilation_unit
val append_unit : flags:flags -> base:program -> checked_compilation_unit -> program
val check_unit : base:program -> unchecked_compilation_unit -> checked_compilation_unit

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion tests/sources/
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Expand Up @@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ let init () =
let cc ~elpi ~flags ~base i u =
let u =
Compile.unit ~elpi ~flags ~base
(Compile.scope ~elpi ~flags
(Parse.program_from ~elpi ~loc:(Ast.Loc.initial (Printf.sprintf "<u%d>" i))
(Lexing.from_string u)) in
(Lexing.from_string u))) in
Compile.extend ~flags ~base u, u

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