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Merge pull request #226 from LPCIC/db-clause-survive-section
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accumulated clauses can survive section if they don't mention variables
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gares authored Mar 26, 2021
2 parents 160c97b + 23fc6ae commit 3e7b7c6
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Showing 12 changed files with 128 additions and 50 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,14 @@


### Vernacular
- Commands, Tactics and Db cannot be declared inside sections or modules
(it never really worked, but now you get an error message).
- Clauses which are accumulated via `coq.elpi.accumulate` and are not `@local!`
survive section closing if they don't mention the section variables being

### Typechecker
- Warnings can be turned into errors by passing Coq `-w +elpi.typecheck`.

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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions coq-builtin.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -418,8 +418,8 @@ external type coq.say variadic any prop.
external type coq.warn variadic any prop.

% [coq.warning Category Name ...]
% Prints a warning message with a Name an Category which can be used
% to silence this warning or turn it into an error. See coqc -w connad
% Prints a warning message with a Name and Category which can be used
% to silence this warning or turn it into an error. See coqc -w commad
% line option
external type coq.warning string -> string -> variadic any prop.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1032,9 +1032,13 @@ type current scope. % The module being defined (see begin/end-module)
% to
% the given db (see Elpi Db). Clauses belong to Coq modules: the Scope
% argument
% lets one select which module (default is execution-site).
% lets one select which module (default is execution-site).
% A clause that mentions a section variable is automatically discarded at
% the
% end of the section.
% Clauses cannot be accumulated inside functors.
% Supported attributes:
% - @local! (default: false)
% - @local! (default: false, discard at the end of section or module)
external pred coq.elpi.accumulate i:scope, i:id, i:clause.

% -- Utils ------------------------------------------------------------
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17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ let global_constant_of_globref = function
| GlobRef.ConstRef x -> Constant x
| x -> CErrors.anomaly Pp.(str"not a global constant: " ++ (Printer.pr_global x))

let constant, inductive, constructor =
let open API.OpaqueData in
let ({ CD.isc = isconstant; cout = constantout },constant), (_,inductive), (_,constructor) =
let open API.RawOpaqueData in
declare {
name = "constant";
doc = "Global constant name";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -241,6 +241,19 @@ let constant, inductive, constructor =

let collect_term_variables ~depth t =
let rec aux ~depth acc t =
match E.look ~depth t with
| E.CData c when isconstant c ->
begin match constantout c with
| Variable id -> id :: acc
| _ -> acc
| x -> fold_elpi_term aux acc ~depth x
aux ~depth [] t

let gref =
let open GlobRef in
let open API.AlgebraicData in declare {
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/coq_elpi_HOAS.mli
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Expand Up @@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ val universe : Sorts.t Conversion.t
val global_constant_of_globref : Names.GlobRef.t -> global_constant
val abbreviation : Globnames.syndef_name Conversion.t
val implicit_kind : Glob_term.binding_kind Conversion.t
val collect_term_variables : depth:int -> term -> Names.Id.t list

module GRMap : Elpi.API.Utils.Map.S with type key = Names.GlobRef.t
module GRSet : Elpi.API.Utils.Set.S with type elt = Names.GlobRef.t
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27 changes: 11 additions & 16 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -111,15 +111,6 @@ let on_global_state_does_rewind_env api thunk = (); (fun state ->
Coq_elpi_HOAS.grab_global_env_drop_univs state, result, gls)

let warn_if_contains_univ_levels ~depth t =
let fold f acc ~depth t =
match t with
| E.Const _ | E.Nil | E.CData _ -> acc
| E.App(_,x,xs) -> List.fold_left (f ~depth) (f ~depth acc x) xs
| E.Cons(x,xs) -> f ~depth (f ~depth acc x) xs
| E.Builtin(_,xs) -> List.fold_left (f ~depth) acc xs
| E.Lam x -> f ~depth:(depth+1) acc x
| E.UnifVar(_,xs) -> List.fold_left (f ~depth) acc xs
let global_univs = UGraph.domain (Environ.universes (Global.env ())) in
let is_global u =
match Univ.Universe.level u with
Expand All @@ -128,7 +119,7 @@ let warn_if_contains_univ_levels ~depth t =
let rec aux ~depth acc t =
match E.look ~depth t with
| E.CData c when isuniv c -> let u = univout c in if is_global u then acc else u :: acc
| x -> fold aux acc ~depth x
| x -> Coq_elpi_utils.fold_elpi_term aux acc ~depth x
let univs = aux ~depth [] t in
if univs <> [] then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,7 +215,7 @@ let clauses_for_later =
~init:(fun () -> [])
~start:(fun x -> x)
~pp:(fun fmt l ->
List.iter (fun (dbname, code,local) ->
List.iter (fun (dbname, code,vars,local) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "db:%s code:%a local:%b\n"
(String.concat "." dbname)
Elpi.API.Pp.Ast.program code local) l)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -503,7 +494,7 @@ The name and the grafting specification can be left unspecified.|};
} |> CConv.(!<)

let set_accumulate_to_db, get_accumulate_to_db =
let f = ref (fun _ _ ~local:_ -> assert false) in
let f = ref (fun _ _ _ ~local:_ -> assert false) in
(fun x -> f := x),
(fun () -> !f)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2345,22 +2336,26 @@ Supported attributes:
Full (global, {|
Declare that, once the program is over, the given clause has to be added to
the given db (see Elpi Db). Clauses belong to Coq modules: the Scope argument
lets one select which module (default is execution-site).
lets one select which module (default is execution-site).
A clause that mentions a section variable is automatically discarded at the
end of the section.
Clauses cannot be accumulated inside functors.
Supported attributes:
- @local! (default: false)|} )))),
- @local! (default: false, discard at the end of section or module)|} )))),
(fun scope dbname (name,graft,clause) ~depth ctx _ state ->
let loc = API.Ast.Loc.initial "(elpi.add_clause)" in
let dbname = Coq_elpi_utils.string_split_on_char '.' dbname in
warn_if_contains_univ_levels ~depth clause;
let vars = collect_term_variables ~depth clause in
let clause = API.Utils.clause_of_term ?name ?graft ~depth loc clause in
let local = ctx.options.local = Some true in
match scope with
| Unspec | Given ExecutionSite ->
State.update clauses_for_later state (fun l ->
(dbname,clause,local) :: l), (), []
(dbname,clause,vars,local) :: l), (), []
| Given CurrentModule ->
let f = get_accumulate_to_db () in
f dbname clause ~local;
f dbname clause vars ~local;
state, (), []
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/coq_elpi_builtins.mli
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Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ val coq_builtins : BuiltIn.declaration list
(* Clauses to be added to elpi programs when the execution is over *)

val clauses_for_later :
(string list * Ast.program * bool) list State.component
val set_accumulate_to_db : ((string list -> Ast.program -> local:bool -> unit)) -> unit
(string list * Ast.program * Names.Id.t list * bool) list State.component
val set_accumulate_to_db : ((string list -> Ast.program -> Names.Id.t list -> local:bool -> unit)) -> unit

val attribute : (string * Attributes.vernac_flag_value) Conversion.t

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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion src/
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Expand Up @@ -130,4 +130,15 @@ let float64 : Float64.t Elpi.API.Conversion.t =
hash = Float64.hash;
hconsed = false;
constants = [];

let fold_elpi_term f acc ~depth t =
let module E = Elpi.API.RawData in
match t with
| E.Const _ | E.Nil | E.CData _ -> acc
| E.App(_,x,xs) -> List.fold_left (f ~depth) (f ~depth acc x) xs
| E.Cons(x,xs) -> f ~depth (f ~depth acc x) xs
| E.Builtin(_,xs) -> List.fold_left (f ~depth) acc xs
| E.Lam x -> f ~depth:(depth+1) acc x
| E.UnifVar(_,xs) -> List.fold_left (f ~depth) acc xs

6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/coq_elpi_utils.mli
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Expand Up @@ -21,5 +21,9 @@ val manual_implicit_of_binding_kind : Names.Name.t -> Glob_term.binding_kind ->
val manual_implicit_of_gdecl : Glob_term.glob_decl -> (Names.Name.t * bool) option CAst.t
val lookup_inductive : Environ.env -> Names.inductive -> Declarations.mutual_inductive_body * Declarations.one_inductive_body

val fold_elpi_term :
(depth:int -> 'a -> Elpi.API.Data.term -> 'a) ->
'a -> depth:int -> Elpi.API.RawData.view -> 'a

val uint63 : Uint63.t Elpi.API.Conversion.t
val float64 : Float64.t Elpi.API.Conversion.t
val float64 : Float64.t Elpi.API.Conversion.t
42 changes: 28 additions & 14 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ and src_string = {
val set_current_program : qualified_name -> unit
val current_program : unit -> qualified_name
val accumulate : qualified_name -> src list -> unit
val accumulate_to_db : qualified_name -> Compile.compilation_unit -> local:bool -> unit
val accumulate_to_db : qualified_name -> Compile.compilation_unit -> Names.Id.t list -> local:bool -> unit

val load_checker : string -> unit
val load_printer : string -> unit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,23 +481,31 @@ type snippet = {
program : qualified_name;
code : EC.compilation_unit;
local : bool;
vars : Names.Id.t list;

let in_db : snippet -> Libobject.obj =
let cache ((_,kname), { program = name; code = p; _ }) =
db_name_src := SLMap.add name (append_to_db name (kname,p)) !db_name_src in
let import i o = if Int.equal i 1 then cache o in
Libobject.declare_object @@ { (Libobject.default_object "ELPI-DB") with
Libobject.classify_function = (fun ({ local; _ } as o) ->
if local then Libobject.Dispose else Libobject.Keep o);
Libobject.classify_function = (fun ({ local; program; _ } as o) ->
if local then Libobject.Dispose else Libobject.Keep o);
Libobject.cache_function = cache;
Libobject.subst_function = (fun _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str"elpi: No functors yet"));
Libobject.subst_function = (fun _ ->
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str"elpi: Accumulating clauses in a functor is not supported yet"));
Libobject.open_function = Libobject.simple_open import;
Libobject.discharge_function = (fun (_,({ local; program; vars; } as o)) ->
if local || (List.exists (fun x -> Lib.is_in_section (Names.GlobRef.VarRef x)) vars) then None
else Some o);


let accum = ref 0
let add_to_db program code local =
ignore @@ Lib.add_leaf (Names.Id.of_string (incr accum; Printf.sprintf "_ELPI_%d" !accum)) (in_db { program; code; local })
let add_to_db program code vars local =
ignore @@ Lib.add_leaf
(Names.Id.of_string (incr accum; Printf.sprintf "_ELPI_%d" !accum))
(in_db { program; code; local; vars })

let lp_command_ast = Summary.ref ~name:"elpi-lp-command" None
let in_lp_command_src : src -> Libobject.obj =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,15 +546,21 @@ let tactic_init () =
let create_program (loc,qualid) init =
if program_exists qualid || db_exists qualid then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Program/Tactic/Db " ++ pr_qualified_name qualid ++ str " already exists")
else if Global.sections_are_opened () then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Program/Tactic/Db cannot be declared inside sections")
add_to_program qualid [init]

let create_db (loc,qualid) init =
if program_exists qualid || db_exists qualid then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Program/Tactic/Db " ++ pr_qualified_name qualid ++ str " already exists")
else if Global.sections_are_opened () then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Program/Tactic/Db cannot be declared inside sections")
else if match Global.current_modpath () with Names.ModPath.MPdot (Names.ModPath.MPfile _,_) -> true | _ -> false then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Program/Tactic/Db cannot be declared inside modules")
match ast_of_src init with
| [`Static,base] -> add_to_db qualid base false
| [`Static,base] -> add_to_db qualid base [] false
| _ -> assert false

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -605,10 +619,10 @@ let accumulate p v =
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "No Elpi Program named " ++ pr_qualified_name p);
add_to_program p v

let accumulate_to_db p v ~local =
let accumulate_to_db p v vs ~local =
if not (db_exists p) then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "No Elpi Db " ++ pr_qualified_name p);
add_to_db p v local
add_to_db p v vs local


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -670,14 +684,14 @@ let compile name baseul extra =
(Summary.Local.(:=) compiler_cache (SLMap.add name (baseul,program) (Summary.Local.(!) compiler_cache)));
extend_w_units ~base:program extra

let () = Coq_elpi_builtins.set_accumulate_to_db (fun n x ~local ->
let () = Coq_elpi_builtins.set_accumulate_to_db (fun n x vs ~local ->
let elpi = ensure_initialized () in
let u =
try EC.unit ~elpi ~flags:(cc_flags ()) x
with EC.CompileError(oloc, msg) ->
let loc = Coq_elpi_utils.to_coq_loc oloc in
CErrors.user_err ?loc ~hdr:"elpi" (Pp.str msg) in
Programs.accumulate_to_db n u ~local)
Programs.accumulate_to_db n u vs ~local)

let get_and_compile name =
let core_units, extra_units = get name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,9 +759,9 @@ let run_and_print ~tactic_mode ~print ~static_check program_ast query_ast =
API.State.get Coq_elpi_builtins.clauses_for_later
state in
let elpi = ensure_initialized () in
List.iter (fun (dbname,ast,local) ->
List.iter (fun (dbname,ast,vs,local) ->
let unit = EC.unit ~elpi ~flags:(cc_flags()) ast in
accumulate_to_db dbname unit ~local) clauses_to_add
accumulate_to_db dbname unit vs ~local) clauses_to_add

let run_in_program ?(program = current_program ()) (loc, query) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -902,7 +916,7 @@ let accumulate_string ?(program=current_program()) (loc,s) =
let elpi = ensure_initialized () in
let new_ast = unit_from_string ~elpi loc s in
if db_exists program then
accumulate_to_db program new_ast ~local:false
accumulate_to_db program new_ast [] ~local:false
accumulate program [EmbeddedString { sloc = loc; sdata = s; sast = new_ast}]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/coq_elpi_vernacular.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ val accumulate_files : ?program:qualified_name -> string list -> unit
val accumulate_string : ?program:qualified_name -> Elpi.API.Ast.Loc.t * string -> unit
val accumulate_db : ?program:qualified_name -> qualified_name -> unit

val accumulate_to_db : qualified_name -> Elpi.API.Ast.Loc.t * string -> local:bool -> unit
val accumulate_to_db : qualified_name -> Elpi.API.Ast.Loc.t * string -> Names.Id.t list -> local:bool -> unit

(* Setup *)
Expand Down
38 changes: 33 additions & 5 deletions tests/test_API.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,9 +329,6 @@ End II.

(* inductive *)

Section Dummy.
Variable dummy : nat.

Elpi Command indtest.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
main _ :-
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,8 +356,6 @@ Check K2 true : myind true true.
Check myind1 true false : Prop.
Check K21 true : myind1 true true.

End Dummy.

Elpi Query lp:{{
coq.env.add-indt (parameter "X" _ {{Type}} x\
inductive "nuind" _ (parameter "n" _ {{ nat }} _\ arity {{ bool -> Type }}) i\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,6 +752,39 @@ Fail Elpi Query lp:{{foo "there"}}.
Import test_db_accumulate.
Elpi Query lp:{{foo "there"}}.

(********* accumulate *************** *)

Elpi Db test2.db lp:{{
type foo gref -> prop.
Elpi Command test2.use.db.
Elpi Accumulate Db test2.db.
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{
main [str S] :- coq.locate S GR, coq.elpi.accumulate _ "test2.db" (clause _ _ (foo GR)).
main [str "local", str S] :- coq.locate S GR, @local! => coq.elpi.accumulate _ "test2.db" (clause _ _ (foo GR)).
main [int N] :- std.findall (foo X_) L, coq.say L, std.length L N.

Module T2.
Section T2.
Variable X : nat.
Elpi test2.use.db X.
Elpi test2.use.db nat.
Elpi test2.use.db "local" bool.
Elpi test2.use.db 3.
End T2.
Elpi test2.use.db "local" bool.
Elpi test2.use.db 2.
End T2.
Elpi test2.use.db 0.
Import T2.
Elpi test2.use.db 1.

Section T3. Fail Elpi Db test3.db lp:{{ }}. End T3.
Module T3. Fail Elpi Db test3.db lp:{{ }}. End T3.

(********* export *************** *)

Elpi Command
Elpi Accumulate lp:{{ main _ :- coq.say "hello". }}.
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