The ext4 partition to flash the Intel Edison, based on Ubilinux.
For more info on contributing or using this image, see the Edison Ethernet project.
Warning: Only clone this repo on a Linux based machine -- Windows and Mac OS X will complain about invalid file naming.
Below is a directory tree of files added(**) or changed(*) with a short description.
+-- bin/
+-- boot/
+-- dev/
+-- etc/
| +-- alternatives/
| +-- ...
| +-- network/
| | +-- if-down.d/
| | +-- ...
| | +-- if-pre-up.d/
| | | +-- change-mac** :: When the lo interace is loading on boot, change the MAC of eth0 based on /factory/mac
| | | +-- ...
| | +-- interfaces* :: Added 'auto eth0' and 'iface eth0 inet dhcp' to support the Ethernet block
| +-- ...
| +-- fstab* :: Added the /factory (/dev/mmcblk0p5) partition to be mounted on boot
+-- ...
+-- lib/
| +-- crda/
| +-- ...
| +-- modules/
| | +-- 3.10.17-yocto-standard/** :: has the kernel modules needed for the Yocto kernel
+-- root/
| +-- .profile* :: Added useful aliases
+-- sbin/
| +-- agetty
| +-- ...
| +--* :: Added enabling of /factory partition, MAC address file, permission fixes, dependency installations.
+-- usr/
| +-- bin/
| | +-- 2to3
| | +-- ...
| | +-- changemac** :: Tool to help user change MAC address and save to /factory/mac file
+-- var/
| +-- backups/
| +-- cache/
| | +-- apt/
| | | +-- archives/
| | | | +-- partial/
| | | | +-- ...
| | | | +-- macchanger_1.5.0-9_i386.deb** :: utility to change MAC address
| | | | +-- sudo_1.8.5p2-1+nmu2_i386.deb** :: sudo isn't installed automatically
useful command: add .gitignore
to all subdirectories recursively
find . \( -type d -empty \) -and \( -not -regex ./\.git.* \) -exec touch {}/.gitignore \;