This package estimates the ground plane using depth images.
It can also be used with a fixed ground plane which is just rotated according to the ptu tilt angle. In this case the optimal ground plane is assumed and represented by the normal vector [0,-1,0] and the distance of 1.7 (Distance of the origin of the camera coordinated system to the plane in meters). These values can be changed in the config/fixed_gp.yaml file. As you can see this assumes to be used with the head_xtion and is therefore exclusive to the robot but it also prevents failurs due to wrongly estimated planes in cases where the camera can't see the ground. All this was necessary because the camera on the head of the robot is rather high and therefore has a high risk of not seeing the actual ground plane. At the current state of development it is advised to use the fixed plane set-up when running it on the robot.
Parameters for estimation:
default = true:false
tries to read parameters from datacentre,true
reads parameters from YAML file specified byparam_file
default = $(find ground_plane_estimation)/config/estimated_gp.yaml: The config file containing all the essential parameters. Only used ifload_params_from_file == true
default = localhost: Determines on which machine this node should run.user
default = "": The user used for the ssh connection if machine is not localhost.queue_size
default = 5: The synchronisation queue sizeconfig_file
default = "": The global config file. Can be found in ground_plane_estimation/configcamera_namespace
default = /head_xtion: The camera namespace.depth_image
default = /depth/image_rect:camera_namespace
= depth image topiccamera_info_rgb
default = /rgb/camera_info:camera_namespace
= rgb camera info topicground_plane
default = /ground_plane: The estimated ground plane
Parameters for the fixed ground plane:
default = true:false
tries to read parameters from datacentre,true
reads parameters from YAML file specified byparam_file
default = $(find ground_plane_estimation)/config/fixed_gp.yaml: The config file containing all the essential parameters. Only used ifload_params_from_file == true
default = localhost: Determines on which machine this node should run.user
default = "": The user used for the ssh connection if machine is not localhost.ptu_state
default = /ptu/state: The current angles of the ptuground_plane
default = /ground_plane: The rotated ground plane
rosrun ground_plane_estimation ground_plane_estimated [_parameter_name:=value]
rosrun ground_plane_estimation ground_plane_fixed [_parameter_name:=value]
roslaunch ground_plane_estimation ground_plane_estimated.launch [parameter_name:=value]
roslaunch ground_plane_estimation ground_plane_fixed.launch [parameter_name:=value]