This samples shows an option to make the Azure AD B2C integration, enabling the ReactJS frontend to get tokens directly from Azure AD B2C (using msal) and the ASPNETCore backend to validate users with this token.
Create the Azure AD B2C as explained here
Register a web application as explained here
- Take note of the Application Id
- After creating the application, go to the Authentication Tab and click on the
Add a platform
button. - Add a new Single Page Applicaiton Url, containing the value:
and Save. - This value is the url for the application running locally, for a production environment be sure to add your DNS/IP address before publishing.
Go to the Expose and API tab
First of all, set your App ID URI.
Add a new Scope, this will be used later to get the access tokens .
Take note of the Scope URL
- Go to the API Permissions Tab, than Add Permission.
- Select the My APIs Tab, and than select your App Registration and the the scope you created earlier.
- Click on the
Grant admin consent for *your tenant*
Create the User Sign and Password Reset flows as explained here
- Take note of the flow names
- Open the file
- On the client Id, put the application id you took note on the step 2
- On the authority use the following format,
- The sign in/up you took note on step 3
- Under the scopes variable, add the scope url you took note on the Step 2.2
- Open the file
"Instance": "", // Fill with your b2c domain
"ClientId": "34ed73d1-cdbb-4c34-8dd0-6358b6297129", // The application Id you took note on step 2
"CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc",
"Domain": "", // Fill with your b2c domain
"SignUpSignInPolicyId": "B2C_1_demosigin", // The sign in/up flow name you took note on step 3
"ResetPasswordPolicyId": "B2C_1_demoreset", // The reset password flow name you took note on step 3
"EditProfilePolicyId": "B2C_1_demoedit" // The edit profile flow name you took note on step 3
Inside the web folder, run yarn start
Inside the api folder, run dotnet run --project B2CDemo.API\B2CDemo.API.csproj
The authentication logic and methods are under the web\src\Authentication\WithAuthentication.jsx
For Single Tenant:
- Obs: The Application Id should be created in the Tenant that contains the users