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Academy Students

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Developed specially for Kyiv Spiritual Academy of Krishna Consciousness in Ukraine and ISKCON.

Run development environment

  • Run docker compose up
  • Wait for images are downloaded, containers are created and launched, all software is installed inside the containers and all services are started
  • Type http://localhost:3000 in your browser (default credentials are [email protected]/password)
  • Ude VSCode to develop inside the container
    • attach to students_crm_v1-app-1 container
    • open /home/app/students_crm folder

Restore production backup locally

  • Run docker volume rm students_crm_v1_postgres-data
  • Run docker compose up postgres -d
  • Run docker compose cp [PATH TO BACKUP] postgres:/backup
  • Run docker compose exec postgres pg_restore -d va_db -O -j 20 -c /backup/db -U postgres
  • Run docker compose down
  • Run rm -rf uploads
  • Run tar -xzf [PATH TO BACKUP]/uploads.tar.gz -C .

Contribution guide

You should have 2 remote repositories: origin (your fork) and upstream (main repository)

  1. Fork repository using GitHub
  2. git clone [email protected]:you/project.git
  3. git remote add upstream [email protected]:KyivKrishnaAcademy/ved_akadem_students.git
  4. git checkout master
  5. git pull upstream master
  6. Check issue tracker for assigned tickets
  7. git checkout -b my_important_feature_or_bugfix
  8. Work on your feature
  9. Setup PhantomJS source bin/
  10. Run tests npm run test
  11. git add .
  12. git commit -m '[issue_number_here] My commit detailed message'
  13. git push origin my-important-feature
  14. Send Pull Request at GitHub
  15. Goto 4


  1. bin/
  2. docker compose exec app bash
  3. eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  4. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
  5. ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  6. ssh-copy-id [email protected]
  7. bundle exec cap deploy


  1. Deployed project
  2. Issue tracker for contributors
  3. Wiki