A PHP client to interact with the Orange SmartSMS API. This package allows you to send SMS messages, check their delivery status, and monitor API usage limits.
- Send SMS messages to various networks.
- Check the delivery status of previously sent SMS messages.
- Retrieve the usage limit and available requests for the SmartSMS API.
Install via Composer:
composer require kwarcek/orange-smartsms-api
You can send an SMS message by using the sendSMS
method. The message will be delivered to the recipient's mobile phone.
use Kwarcek\OrangeSmartsmsApi\Requests\MessagingRequest;
use Kwarcek\OrangeSmartsmsApi\DTO\SMSMessage;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$isDev = getenv('APP_ENV');
// Create a new Guzzle client and MessagingRequest instance
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => $isDev ? 'https://apib2b-test.orange.pl/' : 'https://apib2b.orange.pl/',
$apiKey = 'your-api-key-here';
$messagingRequest = new MessagingRequest($client, $apiKey);
// Define the SMS message
$message = new SMSMessage([
'sender' => 'YourSenderID',
'recipient' => '48510123456', // Recipient's phone number
'content' => 'Hello from Orange SmartSMS!',
// Send the SMS
$response = $messagingRequest->sendSMS($message, true);
You can check the delivery status of a sent SMS by passing the unique ID returned in the sendSMS response. Example:
use Kwarcek\OrangeSmartsmsApi\Requests\MessagingRequest;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$isDev = getenv('APP_ENV');
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => $isDev ? 'https://apib2b-test.orange.pl/' : 'https://apib2b.orange.pl/',
$apiKey = 'your-api-key-here';
$messagingRequest = new MessagingRequest($client, $apiKey);
$id = '54510a5d0361'; // Example message ID
$response = $messagingRequest->checkDeliveryStatus($id);
You can check the current API usage limit for SmartSMS, including used and available requests. Example:
use Kwarcek\OrangeSmartsmsApi\Requests\MessagingRequest;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
$isDev = getenv('APP_ENV');
$client = new Client([
'base_uri' => $isDev ? 'https://apib2b-test.orange.pl/' : 'https://apib2b.orange.pl/',
$apiKey = 'your-api-key-here';
$messagingRequest = new MessagingRequest($client, $apiKey);
$response = $messagingRequest->checkLimit();