This is a Bash script that checks whether a new episode of a TV series has been added to the BluTV platform, and plays a sound or sends a notification if a new episode is found.
curl command-line tool A sound player such as paplay (for sound notification) A Telegram bot and chat ID (for Telegram notification)
Clone the repository or download the source code.
Install the required packages by running the following command in your terminal:
sudo apt-get install curl pulseaudio-utils
Create a new bot on Telegram and get the API access token from the BotFather.
Invite the bot to a Telegram chat and get the chat ID using the getUpdates method or a third-party bot such as IDBot.
Create a .env file in the project root directory and add the following variables:
TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN=<your Telegram Bot API access token>
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=<your Telegram chat ID>
EPISODE_NUM=<your Episode number >
Run the script with the following command:
You can also add the command to a cron job or a scheduled task to run the script automatically at regular intervals.
The script checks whether a new episode of a TV series has been added to the BluTV platform by sending a curl request to the episode page. If the page returns a 404 error, the script assumes that no new episode has been added. If the page returns a valid response, the script plays a sound notification or sends a Telegram message to the specified chat.
You can customize the script by changing the URL of the episode page, the sound file to be played, and the Telegram notification message.