- shell script wrappers to submit joint calling for various CIDR projects
- CMG_VQSR_SUBMITTER.sh: for submitting the CMG grant for JHU.
- VQSR tranche cut-offs are 99.9%
- annotates loci with less than 10 variant chromosomes with the Samples tag in INFO with the SM TAG.
- adds samples in sample sheet to pre-existing list of gvcf files to call new plus old samples together.
- only extracts the new samples in the sample sheet from the MS VCF file -runs annovar for each sample in sample sheet
- STD_VQSR_SUBMITTER.sh: for standard sized targeted resequencing projects.
- examples are exome projects that have more than 20 samples.
- generates MS vcf for after VQSR and after genotype refinement
- runs annovar on the MS vcf
- VQSR tranche cut-offs are 99.0% for indels and 99.5 for SNPs
- Performs GATK's CalculateGenotypePosteriors on the post VQSR file
- HOLLAND_VQSR_SUBMITTER.sh: for submitting the Holland NIAID grant
- VQSR tranche cut-offs are 99.9%
- adds samples in sample sheet to pre-existing list of gvcf files to call new plus old samples together.
- only extracts the new samples in the sample sheet from the MS VCF file
- Performs GATK's CalculateGenotypePosteriors on the post VQSR file
- Performs GATK best practices hard filters (when data size is too small for VQSR)
- Performs GATK's CalculateGenotypePosteriors on the post VQSR file
- CMG_VQSR_SUBMITTER_GRCH38.sh: for submitting CMG grant for JHU on GRCh38
- same details as CMG_VQSR_SUBMITTER.sh
- same details as HARD_FILTER_ALL_SUBMITTER.sh
- CMG_VQSR_SUBMITTER.sh: for submitting the CMG grant for JHU.
- you provide 3 arguments after calling the script
- The project folder name where you want the multi-sample vcf written to. Just the project name not the full path.
- The full path to the sample sheet
- The multi-sample file name prefix that you want.
- Note the pipe to bash at the end of the command for execute the qsub command generated by the submitter script
- Chose the appropriate script for whatever project you are calling (example above is using the one specific for the CMG grant)