Show color codes (like "#ffffff", 0xffffff "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "white", hsl(0, 0%, 100%), etc.) with their real color as the background and/or gutter icons.
- Recommended - Using Sublime Package Control
- Ctrl+Shift+P then select
Package Control: Install Package
- install
Color Highlight
- Ctrl+Shift+P then select
- Alternatively, download the package from GitHub into your
folder and make sure to rename the directory to "Color Highlight".
Supported color representations are:
Named colors in the form of CSS3 color names e.g.
and many others are also supported. -
Hexademical in the form of
(you can use both upper and lower case letters) -
Hexadecimal numbers with prefix 0x in the form of
RBG or RGBA value in the form of
rgb(red, green, blue)
orrgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
with decimal channel values -
HSL or HSLA value in the form of
hsl(hue, sat%, lum%)
orhsla(hue, sat%, lum%, alpha)
HSV or HSVA value in the form of
hsv(hue, sat%, val%)
orhsva(hue, sat%, val%, alpha)
HWB value in the form of
hwb(hue, white%, black%)
orhwb(hue, white%, black%, alpha)
CIELAB (Lab) value in the form of
lab(lum, a, b)
orlab(lum, a, b, alpha)
Cylindrical CIELAB (LCH) in the form of
lch(hue, chroma, lum)
orlch(hue, chroma, lum, alpha)
ANSI escape sequences: 3/4 bit (8-color), 8-bit (256-color), 24-bit (true color) in the form of
. Escape part accepting "^[
[", "\033", "\x1b[", "\u001b[" and "\e["
Those will be shown with colored background and gutter icons when they're found in your documents.
You can disable live highlight directly from the command palette:
Color Highlight: Disable Color Highlight
Open settings using the command palette:
Preferences: Color Highlight Settings - User
Gutter icons can be switched among three flavors (or disabled) by using the
setting:- "circle" - Gutter icon with the color in a circle
- "square" - Gutter icon with the color in a square
- "fill" - Fill whole gutter with color
"user": { "gutter_icon": "fill" }
Highlighting the value region in the color can be enabled or disabled by using the
setting. -
Enabling/disabling coloring of different types of values can be configured.
Copyright (C) 2018 German Mendez Bravo (Kronuz). All rights reserved.
MIT license
This plugin was initially a fork of