Meant to interact with RabbitMQ management plugin's API.
Starting off with commands I need in Haredo test suite, but will eventually include everything detailed in the documentation.
Shown here with defaults
const rabbitAdmin = new RabbitAdmin({
rabbitHost: 'http://localhost:15672',
pathBase: '/api',
user: 'guest',
password: 'guest',
Currently implemented commands:
- getOverview
- getClusterName
- setClusterName
- getNodes
- getNode
- getExtensions
- getDefinitions
- getConnections
- getConnection
- closeConnection
- getVhostConnections
- getChannels
- getChannel
- getConsumers
- getExchanges
- getExchange
- createExchange
- deleteExchange
- getSourceExchangeBindings
- getDestinationExchangeBindings
- publishToExchange
- getQueues
- getQueue
- createQueue
- deleteQueue
- getQueueBindings
- getConnectionChannels
- getVhostChannels
- listVhosts
- getVhost
- deleteVhost
- createVhost
- setUserPermissions
- getUserPermissions
- createBinding
- getBinding
- getBindings
- deleteBinding
It's possible to use this package from the CLI by installing it globally or using npx rabbitmq-admin
Usage: rabbitmq-admin [options] [command]
-U, --user <user> Username for authentication
-P, --pass <pass> Password for authentication
--format <format> Output format. Accepted values: json | json-pretty (default: "json")
-h, --help display help for command
overview Get information about the whole system
cluster-name [options] Get the name of the cluster
nodes [options] Get a list of nodes in the cluster. If no node name is given, all nodes are listed
extensions Get a list of installed management plugins
definitions [options] Get a list of server definitions such as exchanges, queues, users, virtual hosts, permissions, topic permissions and parameters, everything excecpt messages
channels [options] Get a list of channels. Paginated.
consumers [options]
help [command] display help for command