PlayerAnimator is a minecraft library to animate the player while trying to break as few mods as possible.
If you want to add new entities, use Geckolib
If you want to trigger simple animations from the server, you might want to use Emotecraft's server-side API.
GitHub project
KosmX's Maven (for API use)
Avoid downloading the library from other sources!
Fabric loom (or architectury loom)
repositories {
maven {
name "KosmX's maven"
url ''
dependencies {
//If you don't want to include the library in your jar, remove the include word
//You can find the latest version in [](
include modImplementation("dev.kosmx.player-anim:player-animation-lib-fabric:${project.player_anim}")
//You might want bendy-lib. playerAnimator will wrap it.
//include modRuntimeOnly("io.github.kosmx.bendy-lib:bendy-lib-fabric:${project.bendylib_version}")
If you use architectury setup you can implement player-animation-lib
package in common.
minecraft {
runs {
client {
//You have to set mixin propert if you want to run playerAnimator in development environment.
property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true'
property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${projectDir}/build/createSrgToMcp/output.srg"
server {
//Add this to the server too.
property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true'
property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${projectDir}/build/createSrgToMcp/output.srg"
repositories {
maven {
name "KosmX's maven"
url ''
dependencies {
//If you don't want to include the library in your jar, remove the include word
implementation fg.deobf("dev.kosmx.player-anim:player-animation-lib-forge:${project.player_anim}")
//Bendy-lib also has a Forge version:
//runtimeOnly fg.deobf("io.github.kosmx.bendy-lib:bendy-lib-forge:${project.bendylib_version}")
//Forge JarJar only works on MC 1.19. Do not use JarJar on older version!
For more advanced things, you might use anim-core
It is a minecraft-independent module, containing the animation format and the layers but not the playing mixins...
Also it is not a minecraft mod, do not use modImplementation
on this.
The library has an animation list of currently played animations Higher priority animations will override others, but can be transparent...
To add an animation to the player, use
AnimationStack animationStack = PlayerAnimationAccess.getPlayerAnimLayer(clientPlayer);
I advice using ModifierLayer
and setting its animation. (this is null-tolerant)
is an AnimationContainer
but with modifiers and fade-in/out.
To play a keyframe animation from emotecraft
or geckolib
will help you load it.
new KeyframeAnimationPlayer(animation)
will play it for you.
To modify/tweak animations, look into dev.kosmx.playerAnim.api.layered
package, you might implement your own IAnimation
or extend/modify an existing class.
will let you add modifiers. It is effectively an AnimationContainer
You might find some usage in the fabric testmod
The forge usage is similar. For most fabric users, you can use linkie to translate mojmap to Yarn.
The player model is made of 6 body parts:
- head
- torso
- right arm
- left arm
- right leg
- left leg
And I added an extra: body:
This is a bone for the whole player, transforming it will transform every part.
To move everything up by 2, you only need to move the body
Most Blockbench player models use the name
for the part, I calltorso
. In that case, rename it totorso
and that will fix the model for the library.
Part names can be snake_case
or camelCase
or rightArm
, both will work.
Supported transformations:
offset, rotation
And bend if bendy-lib is loaded.
Bend will bend
the part in the middle, check the Blender
model to see how.
The library supports all easings from and constant and linear.
No easing parameters are supported. (everything was copied from
You can use GeckoLib or Emotecraft format to create animations.
Be careful, the model has to match the player or the animation won't work as it should.
In Emotecraft repo, there are some tools for animation.
(You don't need emotecraft to use those tools)
The blockbench model doesn't support items, I don't know how to add an easily replaceable item...
To load an animation, put the file(s) into assets/modid/player_animation/
Then you can get the animation with dev.kosmx.playerAnim.minecraftApi.PlayerAnimationRegistry#getAnimation()
GeckoLib is not guaranteed to work, but you can try! (It will work most of the time)
molang is not supported
Do not shadow the library in your mod, this library can not be loaded multiple times safely. (even from different packages)
The license would allow it, but it would break many things.
You may useinclude
(fabric any version) or JarJar(forge 1.19.1+).