AsseticStaticGzipBundle is a bundle which creates gzipped versions of your css and js files.
It works transparently with AsseticBundle so you don't need to modify your code.
Nginx web server can compress response data on the fly. To save time it can be configured to send an already compressed copy of a file.
Nginx plugin:
Saving CPU time.
Zip extension
PHP 5.3.3 and UP
via Composer:
php composer.phar require konstantin-kuklin/assetic-static-gzip-bundle
Add to your config file:
use: true
level: 9
Option level
can be 0-9 and provide level of gzip compression type. (where: 9
- best, 0
- without compression)
Option use
enables or disables creating compression files
Add bundle to app/AppKernel.php
new KonstantinKuklin\AsseticStaticGzipBundle\AsseticStaticGzipBundle()
Compression files will be creating with command:
php app/console assetic:dump
Output example:
02:08:24 [file+]
02:08:24 [gzipped file+]